They has a point, you know

they has a point, you know...

>they has

Can't even...

gender neutral pronoun

No, it doesn't

Well that's even sadder...

This guy seriously doesn't quit

Jack, do you keep making these shitty bait photos or someone else using your photos?

>Apologizing for things I personally had nothing to do with.
kek, how pretentious of him.

Is the second time I saw this "they has" using they (plural) and has or is (singular) to not use he or she.
Is something common or some kind of obscure thing some people is trying to impose?

Yes, it is.

No... THIS is the face they make

>i am responsible for my ancestors actions
that's like saying niggers are responsible for inventing slavery and the indians for selling there land for shiny glass pearls

>It's wrong to judge people on what their ancestors did, what skin color they have, what their sexuality is and which gender they are.
>Unless they're white heterosexual males, then they're fair game and you get to shit on them and blame them for all of history, in spite of them having taken no part in those things.

Does anyone know if Jack is still in Cells?

He should obviously become an hero. Sorry isn't good enough so what other steps can be taken inbetween.

Possibly becoming bukkakeprinces for gooks and niggers and whatnot?

nice try abraham


>Implying any of the things in OP's pic are bad.

The wold would be better off without niggers and mudslimes. The world would also be better off with women back in the kitchen.

send him to a muslim country and let them throw his faggot ass off a building

no wait please don't do that instead just slap him and send him on his way to collect his ss disability check instead, somebody's gotta collect those checks

Only if you believe only white heterosexual males are to be considered accountable for their actions or the actions of others who happen to look like them.
It's racist and sexist and it boggles my mind that this is the only group which it is socially acceptable to hate on. Either we get to hate on everyone or no one, choose op.

Whites were enslaved first, then we worked out the bugs and perfected it with the nigger. Never apologize, only keep moving forward for the White Race.

Woo well look at this, we're doing height threads, penis length threads, and now we got white guy threads.
Stayed tuned, next year we're doing "your pet is stupid kill yourself!" threads.

When your gender is responsible for the protection of women for tens of thousands of years from external forces wanting to eat or rape them and their children.
And your race is responsible for Greeko-Roman philosophy, the Enlightenment, science, the vast majority of inventions and modern civilization itself.
And your nation is responsible for suppressing a brutal, theocratic, mysoginistic, authoritarian ideology and protecting its borders from it.

And you realize...

"You're welcome", just isn't good enough!

What is the benefit of not being racist?
Not even an ironic question. Let me break this down for you cunts:

>No need to reconcile aesthetic differences with minorities: you'll only be hanging with whites.
>No need to worry about thieves and liars: all your white friends will be aptly shrewd with money and never desperate/dangerous.
>The combined minds of your white compatriots can overcome any Chinese trickery or Pajeet scam.
>Ability to appreciate the race with the most beauty and potential without bitterness.

Not racism but if you're a misogynist, you're on the right track. Literally just lie to women. Like, pretend you're Johnny Depp or something.
Butter that fuckin toast and prenup if you're stupid enough to get married.


Are you proposing that white people never steal?
Then why do we have records of theft laws before all of our nations got so mixed up?

Yeah but Sup Forums doesn't cater to snowflakes, so just talk like a normal person so we can understand.

I'm Irish. Slavery was abolished before we could even afford slaves. Fuck off. Also, women didn't suddenly lose their rights recently, they just want more than men suddenly. Fuck off.

Fuck off, Macfag.

Please explain to me how that picture isn't a racist and sexist generalization of a group of people, saying something similar about white women would be considered so.
Also before you go intersectional on my ass, I'm part of the poorest class in my country, did not come from wealth and I have never had anyone give me a free pass for shit I did, just because I'm male. Heck I'm not even 100% white and this sentiment still rankles me.

Ah, this fag is in the Boylston St. subway station in Boston

>Please explain to me how that picture isn't a racist and sexist generalization
Because he's not saying anything bad about non whites. That's literally how 'people' like that reason. They don't understand what racism is, they just cry about it because it gets them goodboy points from other degenerates.

I am gay and never knowingly oppressed any women.
I have never oppressed any race. My ancestors also never owned slaves (probably were racist tho because everyone was.) Also I refuse to take responsibility for horrible people who happen to share my race just the same as no one should every be responsible for the race they were born. I will speak out against them but I will not feel bad for being white.
You got me on the being a part of misguided nation. But moderate Muslims really should step up and speak out against extremist too.

>the face you make when you're the best but some of you think that's a bad thing

fixed it for you faggot

I know that, but I wanted op to dig his own hole while trying to explain it.
If a definition of racism and sexism is to discriminate on the basis of race or gender, white people couldn't be excluded from having this happen to them unless the consensus was that they aren't actual people.

kill yourself you jewish piece of shit, if i could suicidebomb you right now i fucking would!

2logical4SJWs mate

>not distinguishing between the 'white' archetype and the 'gypsy' archetype.

Tsk, listen, kid. Say you're driving past the corner store (if you're in the corner store, you've already lost) and you see a white junkie. Pretty common sight. Do you think all those white junkies care about the future of our race?

Because they don't. They're filthy gypsies. No focus, no drive, mastery of nothing. You might say "but skin is skin: they're white."

To that, all I say is you can pick which white people you associate with, but REAL white people will always achieve financial success.

BONUS ROUND (Benefits of Whiteness)
>Potential to exercise art forms at a level far beyond how it's done in its respective culture.
>Unifiers of planet Earth.
>Have NOT exterminated blacks and muslims yet (tolerant)
>All successful space operations undertaken by a caste of mostly whites.
>We're the only ones that catch flak when we say we hate other races.
>We're all white
>Brotherhood between two whites rivals the strength of that between two niggas.


They need logic though, otherwise they'll turn into the next lesson in why we don't let people take the moral high ground and genocide other people.
The way they talk about white straight guys mirrors all of the talk people used before killing a specific group in the past, how can't they see that?

>They need logic though
>how can't they see that?
Brainwashing and living very sheltered lives mostly. They get their information from facebook and twitter groups they already agree with. And since their parents haven't heard of it they think it's "anti establishment". They quite literally are incapable of critical thinking.

Are you aware b used to be called the internet hate machine?

This is so strange to me, I mean I grew up with a punk mom and a hippies dad, yet they instilled the importance of critical thinking and logic in me.
How can my generation be so fucked up?
I mean I used to be considered far left, my opinions haven't changed much, but all of a sudden people are calling me centrist or right wing, it's baffling.
Yeah, I miss that. Back when anyone who acted like an idiot was notified of this and got told to lurk more.


>How can my generation be so fucked up?
I blame social media. Social media made people think their silly uninformed opinion matters. This lead to the belief they're actually right about whatever nonsense they spew. It also made it easier to ignore actual facts and research, and instead surround yourself with likeminded morons all equally deluded as you. The whole PC movement is simply people who never heard 'no dumbass' in their life. When confronted with criticism they start crying abuse. Pretty sad, I agree.

I can't imagine the level of beta faggot you need to be to feel bad about shit other people did, and feel guilty personally because of skin color and genitals you were born with, and the country you were born in. You've taken racism and sexism and prejudice and pointed it at yourself.

Sage, social media is designed to create echo chambers

I'm honestly working on the skills required to survive a post civilized society because of all the shit going on these days. If it's not one thing fucking us over, it's gonna be another.

Exactly, hear or read something that doesn't fit your narrow worldview? BLOCK IT!!!

That's some dumb ass bullshit.



he does, but you can't unspill milk

And yet they flock to OUR countries to worship our money pile.

Fuck arabs and niiggers.

Actually he doesn't, women haven't been universally oppressed in the way he thinks they have, all races have been the victim/perpetrator of slavery and he's assuming that we're all from nations currently participating in an unjust war with the middle east(or muslims as he puts it).

Also to add to this, who is it that are currently owning slaves?
Protip it isn't the west.

Lord have mercy, he lives in my fukin town.