You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't DEFOOd yet

You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't DEFOOd yet




We did it reddit!

No financial independence

I'm so sorry Stef. I-I failed you

my parents didnt beat me

Not an argument.



Shit how did I completely miss that contradiction?

Where did this meme come from?

How long until he goes full fascisty?

Because my mommy is sick and needs me.

There'll be a mass suicide before that happens

>Sup Forums listens to a man rant for 2 hours about why a swede's mummy doesn't love him

His video on atheism made me chuckle. It was essentially "some atheists are idiots and some are assholes, and that's why I don't want to be an atheist." For a self described philosopher he didn't even talk about the concept of a god as a philosophical construct.

My parents don't support me getting shot.

>call ends with a 50 minute rant about women's role in the migrant crisis

I fucking love this man. Not even necessarily for his beliefs, just his fucking gall and the way he talks.

Never change, Stef.

I guess it kind of is, the point is about non western people living there en masse. Apples and oranges I suppose

I'm currently NEET and can't support myself (yet)

>For a self described philosopher

If you really want a giggle you should look into UPB.

His supposedly scientifically sound objective morality that justifies anarchocapitalism as the only righteous system.

He wasn't in charge of where he lived when he was like 3 years old moron


Do you support me getting shot?

Fuck that, I don't consider Irish living in England 'migrants' in the same way that foreigners that look different, speak different, worship different & never fit in.
Irish to England movement is like San Fran to LA, ffs.

>ignores the fact that he showed how 70% of atheists are left-leaning, only 1% are libertarian, etc


I've worked from home (eBay shop) while raising my children. Holy crap SM is right. Unless a woman doesn't want kids & craves a high flying, highly qualified job, what is the point of working outside the home while trying to child care?

All the women out there in office jobs, or supermarkets. Getting government top ups to keep their kids in child care of some kind. All to pay for the child care. That's telling your children that it's better to be seen working than spend your only life with your own flesh & blood.