One of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl vloggers on youtube with less than 50 subs and then insult and...

one of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl vloggers on youtube with less than 50 subs and then insult and belittle them. does anyone else do this? you can basically cause maximum emotional damage to them if you hit them at the proper vulnerable age

You're supposed to do this to older teens, not kids you daft cunt.

NO. I'm not an asshole!

But please post the results so I can fap to them!

now that is just rude.

Nigga's out here stretching the definition of the word "hobbie".

now i have new hobby
thanx for the tips
tipsy user


How pathetic are you that you would consider this a "hobby"

wow that's me alpha shit.

Are you that pathetic desperate?

It'd be more fun if you were supportive without being creepy then you could have the satisfaction of having a positive influence on a young life instead of looking at your own miserable waste of existence.

noun, plural hobbies.
an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation:

sounds like ur a real man op. "maximum" dmg, wow. hope someone sees ur browsing history

Nice try, but you literally said

>one of my hobbies

Meaning that you consider this action a "hobby", one of presumably more than one.

2/10 made me reply. Fag.

I send them links to bound gangbangs post-interviews, where girls talk about how much they enjoyed being dominated.

FBI here.

we tracked him, but we started laughing so hard, we even helped him making his searches for kid vloggers more easy.

those small fries should enjoy some fried dog

Top kek this is real degenerate shit. I love it.



He just showed you, by definition it is still a hobby.

Only the true Cheek Scrublords do this.

That's freaking stupid, at least kill and gut the dog before you cook it.

Actually, I would love to see some post gangbang interviews. Any links?

wait, wut? no poohole, no penis?

Did you even read my post dipshit?

If you're so pathetic that all you can do for fun is bully children on YouTube, you should seriously consider killing yourself.

It really doesn't get much lower than that without becoming muslim.

Ever had live lobster?

It's probably the same principle but way more gooked up.

You can keep those parts if you want, but getting rid of the intestines and preparing the organs before cooking is essential.
I wouldn't want to eat anything that has had its shit boiling inside it.

Muslim here.
We don't insult vloggers.
We just boom boom and 72 virgins.

i love to fuck with people on the internet but i dont do it to the same person over and over again

Lobsters don't have as much in the way of guts as a dog does. Even then, you remove the guts when you eat the lobster.

I should have said radical fundamentalist Muslim.

That one did need clarification. My wife is a mudslime and she's ok I guess.

White knighting would probably be the biggest troll you could do here

>but I don't do it as the same person over and over again


>I get bullied in school so now I bully little girls online.

You little edgy fag highschooler.

>an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation

I guess, you fell on your head as a kid? You can have more hobbies than one? Fun =/= pleasure, at least you are on b, you should know lulz. How come you are the moral authority scoring hobbies?
How about collecting stamps?
Dog fighting?
Drug using?
Beating up people?

r u new here

I never understood the 72 virgins thing, because as I understand it all women are evil as fuck and don't go to sandnigger heaven... So what is it that you get 72 virgins ones of? Kids? Goats?

... are all Muslims devout faggots?

I don't pursue OP's hobby, but you should be old enough that people find pleasure in different things and you are just like tumblerinas when saying every hobby you don't like is bad.

It tastes a whole lot better if you cook them alive. They release endorphins into the blood stream when they panic and those endorphins act as a meat tenderizer.

That sounds like a fun and amusing hobby. Can I join you? We can be a team...

>collecting stamps
If you're 65, that's ok.

>dog fighting
Nigger shit.

>drug use
>beating people up
Edgelord bullshit. Grow up.

Or telling a story that describes beta behavior

because if she does boom boom, she gets 72 male virgin beta fedora neckbearded faggots

North Korean detected

Yeah, I'm not gonna be part of it though.
I'm not gonna moralize to people about eating animals, no matter what animal it is. But I do believe in inflicting as little pain as possible to the process.
I still feel empathy for my tasty animal brethren.

How is that not hell?

Oh, so I guess you have autism? I could continue with that list and I bet with you, 50% of population has hobbies you wouldn't like since they are "edgelord".

>I don't like it so noone should like it.

>so I guess you have autism?
>on Sup Forums

Pretty sure autism is mandatory if you're here nigga.

This thread is a shitfest lmao

>Go on camsites
>Meet young girls
>Add them on SnapChat
>Be nice for a week
>These kids get attached fast af
>One day completely ignore their snaps
>Never talk to them again to teach them about abandonment

I do something similar only I call them pretty and send them gifts

>send them gifts

As a butcher this is entirely untrue.
Whether an animal was stressed or not does not affect the taste or tenderness of the meat.
Taste and tenderness is strictly based on that animals diet and its overall fat content within the meat itself.

Well yeah, that's how you get them to tell you their address.

>you can basically cause maximum emotional damage to them if you hit them at the proper vulnerable age

Why do you want to cause lasting emotional damage to children. Sadism? I am actually genuinely interested.

you insult older teen
you fuck younger teens
get your priorities right op

Hi, you're leaving out something incriminating I think...

I don't know what you're talking about, FBI

what it is?
there is not laws against chatting with kids
well, if you ask them for sex or porn is another topic

I'll show you soon.

so i'm confused is this wrong of me?

I liked a certain little ASMR girl, she was hot and shoots guns. But I then I found she likes and ASMRtist I hate so now I don't like her.
There's a few ASMRtists I always comment on their videos they should kill themselves because I hate them.

for the lulz

>be me
>on a chatsite
>posing as a young female
>as soon as a dude starts flirting, I derail the conversation on highly cultural and scientific stuff
>frustrated dude usually tries to catch on, possibly using google
>I then proceed to humiliate him and locking him out
>dude disconnects and makes up a new screen name and tries again
>I humiliate him again and even tell him he was the googleaddict of a few minutes before
>then I disappear for a few weeks

it never failed.

How is this pathetic?

what is her name?
need some loli asmr

He's probably talking about that lil weaboo girl r9k is obsessed about.

I lold

wtf is wrong with you

Well at least one of us is doing something to better society, thos hos shouldnt be on ther in th firs plac

You should die sooner then the rest of us do we can enjoy this board in peace

U forgot wan thing user, post pics to prove wife is muslim

Your dad must've been real rough on you, huh OP? :/ it's not your fault, pal... it's not your fault.

ahaha I found a new hobby

I know, Ill make it my own... with a twist of sexuallity

Retards everywhere.

then kys

similar to mine.

i follow people with very little to no subs and or views, find the ones that are highly unstable, add them to my suicide squad project.

>comment on all the videos
>have lots of conversations
>become friends
>talk to them about their lives
>become best friends/e-lovers
>drop off the face of the planet completely
>watch the videos get even worse as they have a breakdown
>watch them cry at the camera asking where i am
>masturbate furiously when they stop uploading, imagining them laying in some apartment somewhere with our favourite song on, bleeding out.

This is fucking gold. Lmfao

Why mess with kids? I guess you'd have to have a kid to understand. The moment your child is born the word "love" is defined. Preying on that is sick you cum dumpster. You have to be a sick fuck to mess with children in any way, shape or form. Fuck you robot. To iterate is the worst kind of guess book. I hope your defined age bites your chocolate inn it's conundrum

>The moment your child is born the word "love" is defined.

Clearly you don't have kids, kid.

the moment you have a child, the words "i'm fucked" is defined.

>You have to be a sick fuck to mess with children
duh derpenstein, that's why you fuck other people's kids

those dubs

What did he even mean by this?

>Muslim here
stop right there pigfucker
