Anime characters that are literally you

anime characters that are literally you


Are you a trap?

Intelligent,nihilistic and with an wicked sense of humor.

tomoko is pretty much me in a nutshell

You guys are such Fucking faggots

fucking ugly. just like me


This is me.

A little slow in social situations, but will seriously fuck up your shit behind the wheel of a pretty underrated car.


There is no anime character whose life is as uneventful and pathetic as mine.
Even NEETs in anime are better than me.




youre a cross dresser op?




Literally me right now.

I tried on my sisters clothes when i was 15 and liked it.




I'm currently dating an irl Tomoko

It's not fun, had to stop her from killing herself at least 3 times already




that's the thing about Tomoko- she's autistic garbage, but fun to jerk off to. It's like if your dick was a dog, rolling around in garbage and filth, having the fucking time of his life.

Cause I just wanna get some pussy, but that can never happen since I went off into the woods with a couple of faggots one time

My first name is even Griff. .

Heh. I'm Kurapika, sort of.
Someone did something bad to a close person because of a mistake I made. Then I dedicated almost 5 years to ruining that someone's life. He used to be a reasonable small business owner then but now he is a crippled, homeless, druggie piece of shit which was the worst I could manage to do during my teenage years short of murdering him.
Used to think I'd get some righteous revenge satisfaction after it was all over but it never came and instead left me a cold, distant person who has some friends but can't relate to anyone any further than that.
