I am not a robot

I am not a robot





if you are not a robot how can we trust you?

if i was a robot how could you trust me?


Do people actually believe shit like this?

I think some might, but this is bait here. If anyone is this stupid, they probably can't use a computer for very long amounts of time.

you would be programmed to behave a curtain way and no other people can do anything

These people are proof the education system is shit.

It's Poe's Law in action. Started as a troll on various forums including /x/ just to troll gullible conspiritards, who then unironically started espousing flat-earth-ism themselves, and it just kept spiraling out of control from there.

You retard. There is no up or down in space. /thread

>denies gravity
>but uses it in exact same statement
If gravity don't exist why the fuck would the water flow to the bottom of the planet rather than just fall the fuck off?


Go to any youtube channel that has FE theory videos and read the comments. I really can't decide if they're all masters of trolling or straight up autists.

it started as a joke here
but so did age-ism and the retarded form of feminism and the more then two genders joke

we created those things as jokes and than stupid people made it real

>north is up and south is down
Are actually this dumb?

90 percent of "flat earthers" are trolls. Then there's that 10 percent...

do balltards really believe that earth is a globe? sadly they do...(just to calrify im not a flat earther either. i more of an globe-agnostic in that i simply think we dont have sufficient technology to tell)

>(just to calrify im not a flat earther either. i more of an globe-agnostic in that i simply think we dont have sufficient technology to tell)
It's called geometry, and the ancient Greeks had it sufficiently advanced to be able to tell. Your position is somehow even more retarded than flat-earther.