Ask a depressed suicidal millionare anything

ask a depressed suicidal millionare anything

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Why won't you give me your money?

Because our society sucks and you haven't ensured me you'd actually use it for something meaningful

Buy me some weed buddy ole pal

how do you know you are depressed?

Hang out with different people like myself

Don't listen to this user, give me your money. But before you kill yourself

Spending money on a family to make sure they have the best chance at life when you've skrimped and saved and toiled your entire life for them is the most meaningful thing I can think of. Real talk though, no one should want to kill themselves. Inb4 white knight

timestamp something that lets us know you are a richfag

Post nudes faggot

If you send me money i would buy some dragon dildos and post my boypussy here on b

Diagnosed with clinical depression as a child, survived a few suicide attempts. mainly just wanted my work to make an actual difference in the world somehow. haven't ever gotten there despite devoting myself to it. now struggling with my mental health, take way too much drugs, and just sad as shit. it's stupid.

Why don't fly to a nice beach and fuck some girls

Can you loan me some money ? I need to make my driving license and start to make some investments.

Why are you depressed?
Also, bitcoin address: 18ijVMH9y7Np.QCHUZxpv17jm9FPj43iCJF
Money will be invested in a new PC for a friend who can't even run CS:GO on medium settings, and rest will be saved up as bitcoin will continue to rise for a few years making it worth 4 times as much.

why don't you start playing games competitively?

Perhaps. I was one of those stupid people who took a gamble at bitcoins and what was like 17 is now just numbers to me. I played CS:GO years ago, I enjoyed it. Check your bitcoins eventually tonight man.

worked retail for years trying to get money together to train to get another job and make a difference in someone's life, but it's a never ending cycle of bills and taxes. I'll get there some day

You know what's strange? When I'm depressed and feel like I have no way out, I draw a bunch of bubbles in a flow chart to see what cold solve my problems.

It always comes down to not having enough money to get out of my situation.

Even if your depression is chemical and you'll always be blue, at least you have the funds to change your situation. You can get therapy. You can get meds. You can pick a beautiful place somewhere secluded and travel there to admire it. Or hate yourself in silence.

It's always money.

Will send pics of building the PC and traveling to Scotland to deliver it personally.

You need some lsd man like seriously

yeah, yeah i know screenshots and html can be edited. i bank with chase, this is an account if you really care. my broker sucks apparently, the account doesn't make much for me.

Thanks man, got anything I could send proof to? So, how did you become a millionaire? Just the bitcoins? Have you tried getting help?

Proba bait but if I had some money id start a business and do philanthropic things. Ive always felt like I needed to do that shit, guilt from being pretty awful ig.

W-why aren't you in therapy?

Wait... lemme go find one first.

Became an entrepreneur at 16, started a company as soon as a legally could. it took off, been living off of it for the last few years while I tried to start something that i wanted to find purpose out of. in and out of mental wards, no depression medication works on me, and all my days are filled with is trying to get through it.

I just want money for the rent.

Ask a depressed suicidal lower middle class anything.

Hey man, I'm not here to beg anything.. but if you feel generous just drop how much you want to help a young teen to start his life and plans for future.

I am. Been in it my entire life. Never met a single psychologist who actually was good at their jobs. I could always read them and their advice never helped me at all. i'd just go from one to the next and giving up on this one

Give me 15 cents paypal, yes?
[email protected]

Can I plz have $1000 sir?

Rent is so expensive and it's designed to take advantage of you and throw your money away. If you can buy a house do it, you won't be throwing your money away every year to somebody who doesn't deserve it.

*blinks* W-why would "reading" them m-make their advice any less meaningful?

Start meditating (guided meditation, look it up) and walking.

bitcoin address: 1NGULRea6he gog7p5o4xcu9EuR2e1c8o8h
Theres lots of science now on why that works, but I dont feel like looking it up now. Basically, you have to trick your brain/body and re-program it.

If your a millionaire prove it send me 10k or GTFO

What kind of company did you start? Is it the money that made you unhappy?

i'm not even going to lie I'm too out of it right now to download a QR code reader and my phone is dead. i'm sorry anything link instead?

Do you keep yourself busy? What do you do all day? What are your hobbies and interests. Tell me about yourself OP.

Believe me brother, i would if i could.

How did you become a millionare? What car do you drive? How old are you?

Wanna send me the money to pull a Kurt Cobain?

Psychologists just try to repeat what they learned in school. They rehearse known "ways" to help somebody through trauma or hardship. If those methods don't work on you, you're fucked. The situation I've been in.

What are your birthdays like?

Have you tried volunteering? That helped me with my depression but then I had to go back to school, but since you are well off you could volunteer for a while

help a poor musician Sup Forumsro out? I understand grinding all your time and money into something that doesn't ever really seem to do anything of worth. Give your money to the less fortunate and then top yourself, everything is for nothing at then end of it all so why not help me buy something to keep me alive. On a side note, i do hope things get better for you, i'm keeping you in my thoughts user

op was given money from this parents, spoiled brat, never had to work for anything in life, no sense of accomplishment, no drive because everything was given, worthless life with no meaning.

that's the rundown for any rich kid that wants to kill himself.

move along.


T-that's not at all true. It sounds l-like you've just went to bad psychologists.

Have you been through CBT, for example?

Butthurt kek

tech company. Money never made me happy, I consider it an allowance of the time you're allowed left on this earth, but it wasn't meaningful to me because I wasn't finding my purpose. I stopped buying myself things, or I'd find myself just being stepped all over if I gave something to another.

dont do it thom cruz. its JUST one movie. just-tc.jiff

Why ain't ya searching for love? What excuse do you have?

>no depression medication works on me
this seems fishy.
What did you try? I have no clue about medication but other anons may. Did you try alternative solutions? Or psychiatrists? Dmt?

What field is your company? What do you work?

I could use about 1000$ to buy my brother a present for his graduation & pay my rent for 2 months

Thanks in advance

Paypal : [email protected]

I d-doubt he's tried ketamine, for example.

Depression is caused by dwelling on things too much. Get out, literally get the fuck out and do shit. I beat depression by scuba diving and studying scuba to instructor standard. It became an all absorbing hobby and the more I got out exercised and met people the better I got. It's actually very simple medication and psychs don't work. Actual activities and socialisation do. We are social active chimps that need our other monkies around us and to be kept busy.

psychs do not cure anything.
they just make you aware of yourself (body, feelings, thoughts), which is something depressed ppl are really bad at. like really, really bad. They have all kind of patterns of behaiour that everyone notices, except themselves.
Meditaion basically focusses on the same, without all the bullshit (when done right.)
1NGULRea6hegog7p 5o4xcu9EuR2e1c8o8h

(not millionaire), I have went through that, it's basically just repeating stuff written in their college books. Been on antipsychotics, different kinds of antidepressants still trying to find something that works. I'd feel guilty getting money from OP, money you haven't earnt given to you by someone who would possibly kill themselves... Extra motivation to invest it in other people who also need help, that aren't that deep in yet. If it's enough I'll get my transfriend some help, and possibly visit OP if he hasn't offed himself.

I've always wanted to put my talent to use by becoming psychologist. Send me money to help fund my dreams and take care of my family.
Also if you want to talk op you can email me at
[email protected]
Maybe i Can be a better therapist for you, sometimes it takes a while to find the right one

YEAH! Let's all become drooling retards!

tf r u depressed abt all women r whores n ur a millionaire

KYS for the betterment of mankind or live and make people suffer.

Ps. Paypal is [email protected]

You'll thank me if you do what I said, not straight away but in a year maybe.

L-like I said, that's really n-not what it is about and n-not what psychologists do.

It's n-not used in recreational doses for depression d-dear.

Ah, nice. True, at some point you get too many things. When you got too much to choose from it gets your mind in a state where it feels like you don't have anything.

Guess I am in a quite similar place right now, without the money though lol...
However last time I guess I was truly happy was when I was traveling around.
But in case You'd really like your life pursuings to make a difference I met this taiwanese monk who's now living in africa founding schools and shit. Guess he could hook you up with some chance to help the world. I have seen his work in action and what he's doing truly is amazing...

why wont you give me money if you are depressed?

haAHAHAH yyou cry because you've glimpsed the bareness
but IIII am not going to forgive you for such transgressions and your paper bills will burn - i will NOT plant in their ashes


What are your hobbies?
Take time away from everything, travel on low budget through Asia, India or South America?
You have money, go find something you enjoy, art, volunteering, hiking, sailing, kayaking, BASE jumping?? You have so many possibilities

i will buy my mom a house

As a depressed poor man working two jobs I'd kill for that kind of money.

Just to hold my life together.

True though. I've been to quite some psychologists and psychiatrists. They all moved away or got another job so now I quit them and use my home doctor for medication and advice. He's a great doctor.

>Is a millionaire
>wasting time shitposting on Sup Forums
>talking about what is and isn't "meaningful"

Lol ok

get a new goal in life, and not something that can be bought.

OP, why not hire a few of the hottest hookers possible to suck your dick at the same time, and blow your load on their faces repeatedly? Seems like that would cure anyone's depression. At least for a week or two.

Try to act like life is okay. Smoke to sedate myself, try to keep myself away from hard drugs simply because I want to escape. Video games a bit, but just kind of fallen out of them. Used to mean a lot more.

I guess I just got lucky. A lot of tech startups usually fail within their first year, mine somehow managed to actually work and honestly there's far too many other individuals with ideas who deserve the same but don't because of a flawed system of ideals.

Somebody can think of the next big thing, but if their family can't afford the 20-50 grand it costs to patent it, they can't do anything and have to give their idea away. That needs to change.

I think I've only ever had a single birthday party, and that was when I was like 12. Birthdays have been either spent with a girlfriend at the time, or alone. Might have bought myself a pizza.

Have. I wish more would. It wouldn't be enough to help me through this though.

far from it. my dad was abusive towards my mother and i. beat her and I, eventually she divorced him and they were both happier. he died quite a few years ago due to drug abuse. I was living with him when he kicked me out despite making more money than him. I was 15-16 at the time so I couldn't get my own apartment even if I wanted because I had no credit so no lease. I had to deal with the abuse just to not be homeless. to literally just try to still work towards success. . which is not where I feel like I am today.

I have. It didn't help.

I've had a lot of doctors run tests (those EKG machines and others) and the chemicals anti-depressants change in the brain like dopemine and such don't work on my brain. Why I turned to weed, it at least could subdue suicidal thoughts and be happy even if for a little.

try living in yer car nigger it rilly gets your mind in a state where it feels like you don't have anything.

These threads always turn into begging threads. You people are pathetic.

>paying ppl to pretend the like you makes u feel better?

i'm self-employed and about to lose my business due to wife's illness (I have to look after the kids fulltime and fit in business around it).

£10k GBP would get me out of debt and able to afford childcare so I can get my company back on track.

thats about $14k USD I guess.

if you feel like helping somebody out and assuming not fake, then please depressed millionaire save my life at [email protected]

You r-realize if weed works t-than antidepressants w-will work right? And it's serotonin that is important f-for mood. Dopamine is motivation.

Everyone in this thread like: "give me money"
...I'm not any different. Give me money.

Clinical Depression and on drugs, and it sounds like not the prescribed ones. Get off them, get the right drugs, never stop taking them. They'll keep you even.
Also unrealistic expectations and skewed perception. How do you know you're not making a difference? Were you thinking that you'd change the world with your work or philanthropy? Dont be a fucktard! accept the small differences that you make in individual lives by not being an asshole to the people around you.
Now can I have your money?

here you go, faggot
Now clean up your room.

1NGULRea6hegog7 p5o4xcu9EuR2e1c8o8h


holyshit kill yerself u worthless yuro nigger.

You are depressed because you are not living.

The point of life is to bring order to the universe.

All living things gather matter and order it in their form, or for the needs of their form.

Live, bring order to the universe.

Order out of chaos.

1Lu7UNqPJS4k5ogGvW spamspam K2Gm53Kgms35mNWg

>£10k GBP
People kill for less here. Get #rect. Should have thought about it before making leech larva you call children.

I want to start a non-profit organization to work with people who came from abusive relationships. I have been thru one and figured that it might be one of the few good things I can do. Cuz in general im pretty awful.

Op I think you need to distract yourself, thats why life is about. We keep distracting ourselves with nice things so that we dont think about our own existence because by nature if a human is able to dwell on life too much they start to think about how insignificant we truly are.
There was a philosopher called Blaise Pascal I think who talked about why rich people often feel so sad and empty and its because they dont have a "purpose". You need to find your purpose OP. Find what makes you happy, find something to distract yourself, everyone has something that they use. Find your thing.

>take millions of anti-depressants, want to kill self more
>read Internet
>"you may have a vitamin B12 and iodine deficiency"
>take B12 and iodine
>feel tons better

Seriously OP. Before you kill yourself, try those things. There was not one single doctor that recommended these to me. Do your research on proper doses for your body weight, and you'll notice a massive difference once you start taking them.

My wallet is

1Djn6NEyxbTC2i3Cp not spam Fe5qhZApZz5694MUk

Care to share how you earned you riches?

watch a few documentaries about happiness
seriously good stuff

>follow internets advice
>placebo effect
>now talk about it all the time

yeah naw

That's just my luck. Some one with all that money, and he wants to die. I want to live a good life with my family but have no money. It's always the people who don't need it or want it that have it. And people like me that suffer

What kind of volunteering did you do?
