Is Salvia better than shrooms?

Is Salvia better than shrooms?

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No, not even close.

A good salvia trip is like having a crazy dream. Most of which you will forget within 10 minutes of coming down out of it.

A good mushrooms trip is a spiritual journey, becoming one with your own existence and all that exists around you.

>A good mushrooms trip is a spiritual journey, becoming one with your own existence and all that exists around you.
Don't forget to say goodbye to you liver. It may not be there for you when you come back.

What happends when u do both?

Don't eat poisonous mushrooms, genius

Yeah, salvia is an interesting 1-2 minute "trip." But it becomes boring fast, and forgettable. Shrooms last for hours and are wonderful.

Retard alert.

I got a gram of 10x. Shit was like living a lifetime in wild colors. I was gone for 10 minutes.

boring... whats the song tho

I bet that would be like a pure taste of insanity

I cannot believe that that shit's still legal in some places, it's like a fucked up scary DMT that changes you as well as the world.

Yeah right, because you are a real mushroom shaman from Syberia and can distinguish between psychoactive mushrooms and shit peddled you by the nigger next door.

You obviously did not experience the ego death I did when I tried salvia then. I forgot all context. I remembered that I knew people as a concept, but where, why, and how were lost to a vast white void.

That's native american meds your decreasing guy

Fuck No.

worst experience ever. fucking feel like my brain needed to explode to be off the roller coaster. don't ever fucking do it.

Bro. If you eat bunk mushrooms nothing happens except an agonizing death. You'll know.

Not to mention, some people can tell the difference, you don't have to be a shaman. You just have to educate yourself.

Pick them yourself then, or you know, don't buy from people you can't trust.
It's not hard to not be a dumbass that trust anyone and eats everything.

Shrooms /are/ poisonous you fucking dumbfuck. Your body has an allergic reaction to them.

Just the steem fagget

allergic reaction =/= poisonous

I've literally never heard of this before. What allergic reaction are you even talking about? That's kind of vague

I'm pretty sure your immune system doesn't react to shrooms in any significant way.

avoid all hallucinogens; just smoke some dope