I want the same rights as every other gay/trans bi or whatever other "mental ilness" as you call us

I want the same rights as every other gay/trans bi or whatever other "mental ilness" as you call us.
We are a proud people and we are not "sick weirdos" who rape and murder children.
I would have never harm a child nor wish harm upon them, I love children.


I'm glad that the SJWs and other degenerates finally made a full circle and now accept pedophilia.

You do have the same rights as every other gay/trans bi or whatever.

No one has the right to rape. Fucking children is inherently rape.

I see a dark cloud in your future OP

Please tell me you saw the thread a few days ago discussing starting this.

In some countries which accept love in all kind it is perfectly fine to marry a young girl.

Those countries better get ready for the freedom train.

Those are countries where rape is legal they just dont call it that. Also they generally only accept heterosexuals.

I knew liberals like muslims for a reason

Yeah, you're wrong though, only in closed circles are people talking about this. This hasnet reach the main stream becaue people dont listen- its a joke

You will never have right, you will never be respected. The best, and most respectable thing you could do, is hide it.

There is nothing wrong with love.

We didn't even choose to be attracted to younger partners! We were born that way!


Samefagging hard

>I love children
we know user, you loved one yesterday

Fuck you cunt we are not a minority we are hiding because we are affraid of judgment!

No they don't, OP just thinks they do

"Once gay marriage is legalized, they'll start pushing for pedophilia and beastiality"
Used to laugh at the people who said that... Guess the bible thumpers were right.

Pedos will never be allowed to fuck kids. At least not here in America. You can keep dreaming though. :)

This is wrong. What you want is bad and you should feel bad


OP, please kys and do a favor to the world... and maybe many children too

Not even sure if its trolling you fucking degenerates.

You are just a bunch of haters you probably banned gay-marriage too! There's nothing wrong with us being attracted to younger partners!
There is nothing wrong with having multiple partners neither.

That was Trump and yes im against gay marriage but if you wanna get fucked in the ass do it in your home be faggot like youre been now anonymously.

Fellow men and women unite with me!
We deserve the same rights as everyone else!
We aren't rapists we aren't perverts or sexual deviants and we are not mentally ill.
By loving children we are not breaking any laws in the US.

"I love children"

Oh, we know OP. We know...

Don't you have the same rights? you fucktard

well i must be born a fucking serial killer, give me fucking rights. Why aren't i allowed to murder its normal. KYS OP YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING PEDO

To be honest, half of you faggots would jump the gun at fucking a 14-16 year old if you knew you'd get away with it.

>>this is what tumblrinas actually believe

Sadly they are this fucking stupid. They have full rights, but because their disgusting fetishes aren't catered for, they feel oppressed.
There's this thing, right, called "decency". They don't qualify for that, and it's everyone else's fault.
Fucking degenerates.

And just like the LGBT, you are scum of the earth

If anyone who is above 20 dates a 15 year old. They are fucking sick people. Love is not love if they are that young. What the fuck OP

fuck no have you spoken to a 14-16 year old before??
theyre all faggots

Hell no. LGBT is just shitty attention whoring bullshit and a mistake. I'm not interested in having "P" to be on there.


OP i dont know if this is troll or for real, if it is, i seriously advise you to hang yourself, i mean it, go find a rope and neck yourself and do the world an especially kids a favour


The difference between LGBT and PEDOSCUM is that we don't involve innocent children in our fantasies, you sick fuck. You'll never be one of us, we'll never accept you. You are damaged.

Pl3ase tell me you just returned from a coma and have legit reason to believe this is new thing

Won't be speaking much with my dick in their mouth.

>We don't involve children in our fantasies
>Most pedos are faggots

>We are a proud people and we are not "sick weirdos".

>meanwhile LGBT does parades while exposing children to their sick degeneracy

Children don't want to see homos kissing each other you weirdo.