One of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl vloggers on youtube with less than 50 subs and then insult and...

one of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl vloggers on youtube with less than 50 subs and then insult and belittle them. does anyone else do this? you can basically cause maximum emotional damage to them if you hit them at the proper vulnerable age.

why would anyone bother doing that? Jeesus, and I thought my life was pointless.

i do it. i dont know why though? its weird, i do it to people that are like, kids toy channels.

Can we have some samples of your work, sir?

It's a hobby?

>a faggot so omega he can only attack the most vulnerable people possible anonymously
Well, at least you'll an hero soon and we'll be rid of your faggotry. Make sure to livestream your suicide to show these girls how you entertain an audience.


Post links

>inb4: you are scum, lol. I mean, why kids are on internet? but in the other hand you look like someone who is suffering a mental disorder

>>inb4: you are scum, lol. I mean, why kids are on internet? but in the other hand you look like someone who is suffering a mental disorder

>>>inb4: you are scum, lol. I mean, why kids are on internet? but in the other hand you look like someone who is suffering a mental disorder

>>>>inb4: you are scum, lol. I mean, why kids are on internet? but in the other hand you look like someone who is suffering a mental disorder

You should take up autoerotic asphyxiation as a hobby. It will feel better with the bonus chance that you neck yourself. Win-win for eveyone

I'm OK with that. They are at their most annoying age and deserve to be destroyed.

I think its okay to do it sometimes as it teaches kids that life sucks and their lives are worthless. Problem isnt bullying but the fact that there is not enough bullying

hahaha, I though I was the only one.

Its because its easy and they never learn to ignore it

>ne of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl


hahahahaha post some screenshots


yt /channel/UCfbu7Yh4EsN_8x-2d_4azDQ/videos?view=0&shelf_id=0&sort=dd

what u mean

All of the knights in this thread should put their round table in front of the Islamic truck of tolerance.

Oh shit sorry, should we give a fuck you're trying to be edgy?


Pathetic loner. Get some friends.

Are you the atheist gamer?

lol forget this shit

At least you're making an impact on the world

>No joke tabs open
One job user

Good you're standing up for OP.

I dub you Sir White Knight of Edgeton



You're a hero, maybe they'll pick up a fucking book next time instead of positing trash in the internet...O wait



its so evil i love it

>hurting kids for no reason

What is this user?

Having fuck all to do is a valid reason.

just some traps

sometimes you need to get hurt before you can be helped. or do we all need a safe space>

The honeypot kind or the gay kind?

the bad kind

I love this place

its a shithole

kek post more

Children don't need to be emotionally and/or mentally abused. You sound like a sociopath.

Is it possible for a life to be more pointless...?

how easily we assume. did you go to a public school, user?

I thought I'd seen it all

People did it to me when I was a kid, but it was more painful because it was to my face.
I turned out a better person for it. I'm only trying to hand down the torch to this generation's losers.

this is an accurate post

Saddie has a shitty Samsung while Issie brought her iPod and iPad and iPhone 7s, fucking kek

The error kind?

Lmao virus installed

>one of my hobbies is to find 10-13 y/o little girl vloggers on youtube with less than 50 subs
>then insult and belittle them.

haha yeah... insult and belittle them

that's what i'll start calling it.


>Turned out a better person
>Shits on children on the internet, to inflict emotional pain
Yeah mate you turned out great

Not really. It just means that OP has less going for him than preteens with 50 subscribers in YouTube. They're not even out of middle school and they're doing better than him. I think they probably don't even care as much as he'd like to think. The kids they go to school with are far more brutal than OP could ever be. He even sucks more at trolling than middleschoolers.

Anyway, have fun, OP. Hope your jollies don't fade. It's probably the only thing keeping you going.

Bro your literally a piece of shit that should just off yourself. Just because you never made it in life and are a failure doesn't mean you should try to belittle little kids. Literally the scum of the earth that deserves to be anally penetrated by 12 inch horse cocks. How do you sleep at night? Probably doped up on weed and sleeping pills to forget the abuse of your father you fucking creep, people like you deserve worse than hell. If you were to fucking choke on your own blood right now and die the world would be a far much better place you fucking insolent piece of cock roach, no college degree having bitch. go work your 9-5 pussy and die hopeless and alone.

It's been a hobby since I left the military.
If people can shoot unsuspecting animals as a hobby, why can't I build up a future super-soldier with some mean words?

>no college degree having bitch
Lol, enjoy that $10k+ useless paper.

Would love to know the code behind a virus that installs when you try to visit a website that doesn't exist.

this is what the military creates? faggots that shit on children as a hobby. Damn the military really does make you bat shit crazy huh?

so quick to judge but really take your time on answering this simple question. oh i get it, you figured out how wrong you were.

>“Ok so.. I have and iPod Touch and it’s an >Apple device… and Saddie’s is an Android’s >Samsung so uhm… just telling you that.”

wow. what a bitch

you're not op

Full ride scholarship kek

Why are you picking on me? What pathetic lives you guys have, nothing better to spend your time on.

>Lol, enjoy that $10k+ useless paper.
>mfw the reason I get job offers every month are my fancy expensive pieces of paper

You're a dumbass, you pasted and copied special characters. Replace them...I was only joking.

You are one sad little man.

Wtf are you doing on here then liar, you're obviously a socially awkward loner.

someone got triggered huh?
little vulnerable girl detected


now u know how them little girls feel kek

>people posting about having degrees on Sup Forums lmao
You're still a loser and obviously a little bitch

>bragging about yourself on an anonymous image board

I'm not sure why fam

The things that I like the most is when you call them "fat kid" and they change their YouTube account photos

Op here, sorry I'm on my phone so I don't think my image will show very well. Here's a few more examples

I approve, OP. Don't let these white knight faggots get to you.

Sounds kind of fun but i have standards, even i'm not enough of a loser to do something like that, you must hate yourself a lot.

>this is what the military creates?
Are you retarded? Of course it is. If you thought the modern military is doing anything other than playing cards, reading books, and holding rifles then you're mistaken.
I got major pay for my eight years, and continue to get pay after an honorable discharge.

Leaves plenty of time to toughen the adults of tomorrow with the bullying that they will never get again.

It really hurts :(
I'll remember how it feels the next time I think about doing it

Like I've never more adamantly meant this statemnt. Go kill yourself pls

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend.

>the problem isn't the problem, the problem is that theres not more of the problem.

fun fact dude, no one got better or stronger from bullying, they only got more defensive (at best). it doesnt' improve your life man, i was bullied to the point of being stabbed and it's fucking bizarre to me when guys act like it somehow makes them "tough", tough guys are just guys who are just insecure with their own selves so they attack the parts they don't like and that they see as weakness. and life for a majority of people is pretty ok to good man, take a step back and try to focus on a few good things among the trashfire. I hope you find happiness friend


damn bro you might just need some help dog, go see someone. You might got a mental illness cuzzzzzzzzzz.

>implying a edgemeister neckbeard's approval means shit
You can off yourself too.

Can't read shit, try again

while he shouldn't be doing this at his age, he isn't wrong for think that kids should learn how to have thick skin.

so shut the fuck up and stop posting.

>you will have the future of a lunch lady. also your braces are very ugly.


>while he shouldn't be doing this at his age,
case closed, there's no reason a grown man should be trying to bully pre-teen girls unless he is severely mentally ill.

You are literally retarded you daft piece of shit, this does not make people tougher, it just makes them more insecure about themselves. It might seem on the outside that these people are tough but in actuality they are just insecure about themselves. Like you, you fucking insecure fedora wearing gimp.

You look like a monster and a freak. You'll never will have a boyfriend unless they have a Frankenstein fetish...

Holy fuck I can't breath

bullying tends to have the opposite effect, it rarely gives thick skin. at best it makes a person into an overly defensive asshole of an adult. thick skin generally comes from finding a certain level of acceptance at a young age to help instill a level of self worth that can deflect personal attacks.

The world would genuinely be a better place without you. Nobody would care you were gone. I pity you that your life is so bad this is what you resort to, and then even brag about it. Please please kys

post youtube links as example

This is some hilarious shit, nice one OP. Way to hit em hard.


I do it to trannies. You can tell they know they don't pass. I just drive it home. 37% commit suicide. My goal is to up that number 40%.

thick skin is developed through kids beating the shit out of you verbally, not through acceptance and understanding.. no snowflake is going to have a good comeback because they take the easy way out

after over a decade on this site i find that a majority of the edge lords are newer folks... but maybe that just has to do with suicide and opioid related deaths killing off the would be group of older edgelords