Hey everyone. im running out of time and fucks to give. i'm destine for jail or a life of suffering

Hey everyone. im running out of time and fucks to give. i'm destine for jail or a life of suffering.
My nigger slut ex intentionally infected me with herpes so there goes my chance at having a child with a woman i love. i got charges up the ass and dont feel like spending years taking it up the ass. access to 3g cash. give me some options.

i got some big fucking balls so ask me whats good


thats so lame i know Sup Forums's got better

Fuck that bitch up
Kinda and rape her till your caught then kill her then yourself

Post everything as your doing it of course

fuck unsuspecting prostitutes for days on end

Kill a shit load of liberals.

either something involving money or something balls to the wall crazy. you fucker have always been there for me so im down for you. no faggot cuck shit

fuck liberal cucks my man but that will further their agenda. i fuck with low life's so i can get my hands on lots if the money is right.

come on faggots Sup Forums's been dead on the media for awhile hasn't it.

ill get Sup Forums some new content im crazy guys come on

You wanna make a public scene?
Flash Hillary

great white north. and back to what i was saying trying to avoid ass rape

And shoot a black guy

herpes is not hereditary so you can have a child when not having bursts

unless the herpes she gave you made you infertile

what about herpes forbids you to have kids?


finding a partner is is impossible. unless i give it to someone intentionally and they're going to hate me for life even if i play it off like it wasn't me

you got the lamest shit in your head. i want something to raise awareness to mental illness. this bitch fucked my best friend got me so may charges from my reaction calls me crazy to gaslight me. im done fuck this world im down to do some real nigger shit

you'll only infect that person if you touch them when you're having herpes outbreaks and sores.
if you have sex when you're not having outbreaks and sores, you, your partner and children will be fine.

no one will want to be with someone who has herpes. if you're in a committed relationship your going to fuck raw period. if i put it in when im not having an outbreak

That's completely untrue, faggot. You can still give somebody herpes even if you're not flaring up. Take a 7th grade health class.

That said, it's not impossible to find a partner with herpes. I have the mouth herpes where I get fever blisters on my lips when I get sick or really stressed because of strep throat when I was a kid. I had a gf for a little over 2 years who didn't care, she left me for something completely unrelated kek.

>my parents were married for over 20 years
>my dad had herpes
>my mom didn't catch it

i also have mouth herpes, been happily dating my gf for 4 years, had sex with flared up herpes and she still isn't infected..

>this level of ignorance
you must be either from a 3rd world country or the US to believe in the christian witchcraft of abstinence taught at your dumbed down schools

>'You can still give somebody herpes even if you're not flaring up.'

Explain how, other than sharing blood with that person

you're an ignorant insecure nigger

im talking genital hsv