Be me

>be me
>don't want a future spouse
>or kids
>content with an apartment
>sports cars is my passion

Is there something wrong with me

No. You're fine, dude.

I don't want to spend time with kids or a spouse, I want to modify cars
Why is this not the norm for most guys?

Follow your dreams man

U wanna cheated on by a hoe that gonna blacked anyways?

No. I'm 24 and undecided about all of that. Maybe wife, maybe kids, maybe none of the above. Simply, I don't know yet. Important thing is just to be happy.

All that I say is don't do anything that you can't take back like getting a vasectomy just in case you change your mind later.

I love the noble so much or however you spell it and I will, just didn't know if this was normal or not

I do the cheating

Any idea what you want to do? At all? I have no idea

As long as you save enough money to pay for people to care for you when you are old, you don't need a wife or kids. There is a whole Robert Frost poem about it

Which poem

You're only 22. You should only settle down after you're 30 anyway.

"Provide, Provide"


I want to be a music composer for films and video games. Right now I work in marketing at an auto parts/service company to support myself (although I confess I am not much of a car guy myself). If anything, I think it helps to have a backup plan but I have to be careful to pursue my dream on the side and not forget about it while working as a wage-slave.

what the fuck is with the number 22. specifically the age.
last 3 local storie involved a 22 year old.
half the people I see on here that admit their age, are 22.
people i meet in games, 22.
this is fucking retarded.
and I'm 22.

You've bought into the MGTOW bullshit which is just more anti-white propaganda

There is one obvious answer user: everyone you meet or talk to online is just another one of your schizophrenic split personalities.
We're all the same age as you, because we are you.

I'm 23.

Are you happy? Then carry on.

Not happy? Change something.

Except I'm 52

how do you sustain your lifestyle?
usually the answer is with money.
how do you sustain the money?
usually the answer is with a job.
usually the answer is because there arent other ways to make money, and to not pay the bills is to accumulate debt, the answer to which creates a loop or a logical circle here.

personally, i'm in the same boat, but i am content with even less than an apartment, the happiness i seek is in not having to rely on an external revenue source like an hourly wage or salary to live.

>be 23
>same as OP
>house with 4 gay dudes
>still fuck pussy (t.minus 1hr)
Your good dude