Show us the best pussy you ever seen

Show us the best pussy you ever seen.


classic image




What the FUCK.



rest in peace


Idk how people think that shit is funny. Not the gif the fuckin niggers.






This guy got completely eaten like a year and a half ago. I miss petting him.




Where the fuck do you live? China or the safari??

happy pussy

Hey Pete!!!!
Long Time ...No
These newfags don't know about the killa that made me thru senior yesr....

I live in the middle of white suburbia and something came into our backyard one night and ate him. Found his remains on the lawn, here's the roof of his mouth and upper teeth, nose still attached.

Sounds like the opening scene to a bad horror movie. Time to move, fam.


dude wtf

We got this asshole as a replacement. He broke my T.V. two summers back.

Jesus...u ok user?

Yeah. I don't usually get sad when pets die, but he was the one I would always pet if I was depressed or something, so sometimes I get feels thinking about it.

Kek. Cute tho

good shit. im stealing this.


Say wut?

lol forget this shit

beautiful amanita muscaria is that your cat and mushroom?

this is bentley follow him on insagram @bentleythekitteh

