What's the quickest and most painless way to kill oneself without a gun?

What's the quickest and most painless way to kill oneself without a gun?

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hang yourself?

Helium and a cpap mask

Argon gas and a face mask. Best suicide ever.

You just drift away.

eat dried fruit until you die

take some acid and reevaluate your life. it's bretty gud

I keep this in stickynotes for your convenience.
Shallow water blackout. You hyperventilate for a minute or two, then submerge yourself under water and hold your breath as long as you can.

You will pass out and drown before you feel the urge to breathe. Hyperventilation does not increase your blood oxygen saturation, but it unnaturally decreases the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood. And your body triggers the urge to breathe based on carbon dioxide in your blood.


going and getting a gun

i think jumping from a high building
i mean doesnt it kill you immediately?

Lay to sleep on train tracks

cement dive. your brain is dead before it knows it got hit. just don't try to fall, you have to dive, or you'll have fucked up your life instead of dying.

Get a tank of helium and a cpap mask and breath deep. Your brain can't tell the difference between oxygen and helium.. you'll passout suffocate without any pain.

There's a lot of talk about gas

I love your Idea...


>most painless
Choose one.

Set yourself on fire.

Taking Acid while your depressed and suicidal is a bad idea it willcause a bad trip

what i decided to keep as a backup plan is to get a rope, a strong one without too much flex get up high on a tree, it doesn't have to be reaaally high but a good 7+ meters would be great

make a noose with a lot of rope to spare
crawl up to a strong branch and tie the rope to the branch so that if you were to be hanging from the nooses you're be dangling above the ground
put the noose around your neck and jump
should fuck you up nicely

jump in front of a train. The initial impact will knock you out, so you wont feel anything. Then the sudden force of impact will explode your insides.

Decapitation is pretty painless. There's just a few seconds of horrifying consciousness when the head rolls off and then brain function stops.


he's going to die anyway why not give it a shot

Keep in mind that each meter is a your weigh*10 times kg for a rope to handle so if your body is as autistic as you rope might break off before your head rip off.

bonus: hilariously high pitched voice during the process

Carbon monoxide while you sleep

Note that some consumer helium tanks apparently have oxygen added to prevent suicide.




Inject gallons of hydrogen peroxide into your bloodstream.

That would be very painful.

This is insanely interesting, not as a suicide method, purely by way of being interesting

I heard that manufacturers are starting to make it impossible to suffocate from helium or someshit.

Any truth to that?

NO. Think about the train driver.

If you actually want to kill yourself and are not doing it for attention, you won't give a single shit about the train driver m8.

Go to the roof of a tall building, secure a metal cable to something sturdy on the roof, tie the other end around your neck and jump. Bonus points if you super glue your hands to the sides of your head first. Makes it look like you ripped off your own head kek

Does the thought of that make your....
...blood boil?


that helium tank is not enough to kill you

it will turn you into a cabbage

That's why you should pick another method. Train drivers are nice ppl mostly.

Call Chuck Norris

Call Chuck Norris a faggot

no really the easiest, but effective, nonetheless

tackle a cop and take his gun
if you're not dead in 5 seconds, shoot the ground near the cop, be careful no to hit him, he did help you after all basically

Buy a toy gun, take off orange thingy on end. You know the rest.

Yeah but the other factor is fear. I mean most people who want to kill themselfs with the most painless dead, don't want to feel fucking pain and fear.

Medfag here. Best suicide iv seen is a guy tired a chain around his neck and jumped off a bridge. The bridge was roughly 7 meters high. The hanging caused complete separation of his C4 and C5 neck vertebrae as well as severing his spinal cord. He was brain dead before he knew what happened. He died three days later once his life support was turned off.

Love, your body will live on, but your soul is long gone.