Need help Sup Forumsoys...

Need help Sup Forumsoys, whats the most inconspicuous explanation for a cut wound in the face if a person doesn't wanna tell the truth?

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cat scratched you

Well, if you're a man 'Cut myself shaving' is pretty normal

Faceplanted down stairs/off bike etc

I should have specified, more like a 5 cm long wound

Fought off a wild pack of niggers

it was a thorn bush / tree

-cut yourself while shaving
-running past a branch/brush/rusty metal pole
-someone was waving their hand and got scratched by a nail
-random cat/dog/bird/snail/airplane
-got into a fight with a homeless over drug money
-paper you/someone was holding got caught by wind, and you somehow got a paper cut

i fell and scraped my face on the edge something

i personally have a scar on my face from a fall in the gym

to this day i have no clue how it scarred

how deep is it and how wide?

Make your story funny. They'll be more likely to beleive it.

Fell through a window whilst working on mad fidget spinner tricks

I got one like this at a club where a girl was drunk, she opened her arms to hug someone and caught my face with a ring.

You were cut by all the edge on Sup Forums.

Slipped on wet floor, fell face first into sharp edge of whatever. If you tell it as if you're embarrassed by your own stupidity people won't question it.

Not OP but this is what happened to me. Damn cat caught me on the lip when he was laying on me and I rolled over.

Cat scratch still entirely rational, especially if it was feral.

Depends where on your face it is. I got slashed in the forehead with a knife when i was a teenager, i told my parents i fell down the stairs.

tell any of the joker's stories.


Piece of fence sticking out and you ran across it.. or scraped it while standing up?


I feel like if we saw a photo, we'd be able to come up with better explanations?

dubs of truth

Say it was Isis, pretty believable. You were in London last week.