Hey guys, I went shroom picking today. Would you please confirm that these are psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms...

Hey guys, I went shroom picking today. Would you please confirm that these are psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms? I believe they are the panaeolus cyanescens species. Thanks

did they bruise blue?

I don't have them on me rn

if you didn't even know about that diagnostic, then eat them only if you want a good chance of your organs shutting down as you die painfully over the course of a few weeks.


those r not magic

How are you sure?

Those are not pan cyan.

They are not even psi cyan

Pan cyan are white, bruise blue, and much more circular

you could have a different species

looks like nothing I'm familiar with

if they don't bruise blue I'd worry

if they don't have black spores I'd worry

that little one in the corner might be

but on most of this stuff no

unless its one of the other varieties but you NEVER want to mess up with mushrooms 90% of toxic

you should be b& for underage posting

All kinda of magic in them.. Eat them all.

Kek. Whos posting these threads

ive picked those same shroomies. I believe they are panaeolus papilionaceus. true magic shrooms have dark spores and bruise blue.

Ate the bait

do not eat !! .. unless you wana be sick or die .. not magic .. scratch the steam and see blue after a min them are tripy magic mushy roomies ..

btw their non toxic if your wondering but arnt nice for eating since they dont mind fuck you

Don't eat them especially if there's a sticky yellowish paste near where the stalk meets the head.

Regardless do you think these are poisonous?

dont eat any shrooms that dont blue

no you fucking inbred hippie don't ever eat WILD caps unless you want a very upset stomach and possibly become poisoned. Most psilo cubensis nowadays is grown in a healthly substrate indoors not actual shit. Literally go to a hippie festival and ask around.Or learnz tu dark of the nets.

I know a place where i can get fresh ass cubes. You have to go for the cubes OP

We found these growing out of shit though so I believe that is where magic mushrooms would be found.

btw fuck shrooms acid is where its at

They aren't though

cow shit... right?


I assume you mean "fresh ass cubes" as wet not dried cubes!? I don't mean to step on your flowers cupcake but dried is superior to wet caps.

dried shrooms are wet before you dry them you downutist

I recommend you really, really not eat those. Its not worth dying over if they're poisonous..

n0 FucKING Shit Mr. IgNar Retardeeo of course they ar wet before you dry them what I'm SAIYAN here is that you should find dried elsewhere or if your willing to risk your life over a high you are none the wiser.

Those aren't psychedelic you mong