What does he mean by this?

What does he mean by this?

>if you put out fires, they win

it's definitely some scam.

the current provincial government slashed the wildfire budget majorly and then this happens.

and then we refuse help putting it out.

Fort mcmurray is where all the major canadian oil refineries are and oil is worth squat right now. A couple of refineries will probably burn down resulting in huge insurance payouts to the elites.

i can understand the mexicas
but why the hell would Russia help unless.
they have a deal where they can have russian troops on the us border

the fire is clearing land for new homes for muslims. its a blessing.

He's a flaming homo and nobody can stop him.

The fire is basically out. It's just burning in the middle of no where. They even said it's not uncommon for fires of ~400,000 hectare on the Saskatchewan border that nobody even notices.

It's making way for new cities of American refugees once Hillary is elected.

>It's just burning in the middle of no where
We aren't stupid we know its burning in Canada, no need to state the obvious.

remember during the canadian elections when justin was being a faggot and said " i'm going to go right up to that big meanie putin and tell him to leave ukraine alone right to his big mean face!"

Now putin is making him look like a huge cunt. Serves him right. based putin.

>fire is basically out
>just had officials claiming a few days ago it could burn for MONTHES without rain

You mean "high density fema camps" right?




It's a great place to put refugees, why would we put it out? Plus, dude lol, we can blaze it 24/7.

>uh uhh uhh uh uh uhh uh
What a great speaker.

>Trudeau wants to turn Canada into a desert so the Muslims will feel more at home
on behalf of all the people on the planet who need to breathe the oxygen those burning trees would have made, can somebody stop this madman?
the international community should authorize the use of nukes on this occasion


Chill out Japan. Nukes are not for everyday use.

Fellow Canadians, what are your theories on why he denies help? Do you think if the fire was in his home province it would be extinguished?

>and then we refuse help putting it out.

I would like to have seen Russia actually help out. Truly.

I think that would have been neat.


I am sad now.

Why would Canadians try to stop the burning of their country?

we don't really need it as the fire has moved away from the town. by the time any russians or palestinians or israelis get here it won't do much good.

He simply means we shouldn't let our historical anti-fire biases dictate our response.

>when you light up too many blunts and burn the country down


The fire rises