What is the most offensive thing you can call a muslim?

What is the most offensive thing you can call a muslim?


A jew


trick question, you cant offend non-humans


Sandnigger, towel head, goat fucker etc etc some really fucked up shite out there.


what if you call mohammed a jewish pig fucker?

Those are all average run of the mill insults you hear daily

We need something more



A respectable human bean

Jew-Lite or Alternative Jew

tell him his mother was sodomized by a jew


all this picture needs in a koran under the pig with the pig shitting on it

I think this one is close to what we search for.
Might wanna put mor emphasis on that you consider him even less than a jew.

Nah, that's the most offensive thing you can call an Arab

an Albanian, duh

A jew with explosive tendencies.