Anyone has experience in writing a movie script?

Anyone has experience in writing a movie script?

Sure, AMA?



Read Syd Field - Screenplay to get started.

Then go to (owned by the writers of several billion dollars worth of movies), and post there for discussion with the occasional credited screenwriter instead of posting on the chan.

Ask Me Anything

Da, I write all the script

Charlie Hunnam ftw

did you write anything?

I hate writing. I have all this great (at least I think so and some people agreed) ideas but all I can think of is a synopsis,there is no way I could churn out 90 pages of anything good. Anyone else her just enough creative that you can think of an idea but not nearly creative to turn that idea into something?

OP. I have the same problem. can you share some ideas?

sort yourself out bucko

Sure,why not. It's about a world war 1 captain who realizes that the house he is in belongs to a serial killer and he starts learning about him after he finds the oil drums with his victims and reads his diary. I have tons of stupid ideas like this,I would probably make a decent producer,but never a writer. And yes,I know it's not breaking any molds but you gotta admit,it's an interesting premise

Read scripts

And like, a virtual relationship between the captain and the killer ?

Please explain?

Read save the cat. Best way to learn movie tructure

i bet you watched Dexter if you got idea like this

I mean, there has to be an evolution in the way the captain feels about the serial killer throughout his reading.

Nope. I mean I watched Dexter but I didn't like it. The killer here would be a despicable and disturbed loner,not a vigilante like dexter.
Oh. He just becomes obsessed with the case and wants to find the guy,but the guy is long gone because he is also fighting in the war.

Having ideas is a thing, develop them to make a movie script is another

That was my whole point.

and how would it end?

But maybe you should start writing and you'll be figuring this out while you write

I dunno,I literally came up with the idea while reading about WW1 on wikipedia. It could end with him finding the bodies. Spend the most of the time reading the diary and then realizing that the bodies are in oil drums.
I really can't start writing because I am all fucked up. I can't finish anything I start and I come from a country that is only famous for local fiction. I finished law school and I am currently looking for a job. To be honest I think I would waste my time writing then I would trash it. I just read a lot and I watch a lot of movies so I want to be creative but I really don't have it in me.

Well you've got your degree right ? So you might at least just try and if you can't you still have a MD

Are you from Balkan my friend?

I wrote a series pilot that i intend to send soon.

Easier said than done. Also this is gonna sound stupid but I can't decide if I want to set my stories in my country or somewhere else and if I should write in my language or english.
Yes,how did you know?

Znam da prepoznam kada neko opisuje balkan, ja sam iz srbije ti?

Well it has to be relevant to the country
Depends on what you write really

hrvat iz bosne i hercegovine,ali brate svaka cast kad si iz opisa skontao,mogla je i biti i indija haha
Yeah,this idea could be set literally anywhere involving first world war

Imas instagram? Imam neki profil koji ne koristim pa mozes tamo da me dodas ako hoces pa da promenimo ideje ovako i pricamo ko zna mozda nam padne nesto na pamet


By the way, most screenwriters don't have the whole picture when they start writing. They edit a lot of things while they work on it


In fact it was so good, I almost eneded up doing it for a living but didn't.


Yeah because you didn't want to be famous amirite ?

Nemam brate,prirodno sam paranoican haha. Jesi zavrsio faks i bavis li se pisanjem? Ja nikad nisam probao,vecinom ovako bubnem ideju i to je to.

I think it's important to have even a somewhat vague idea of the ending. Otherwise you can get lost into a totally abstract idea forever, even if the idea changes in mid-writing.

this guy said it

Also I can never decide if it's a movie,a book or a short story.

Nisam haker neki sada pa da ti nznm sta uradim haha, nisam ja sam jos u srednjoj imam jos 1 godinu tek sam 3. Ali ono imao sam dosta ideja i svega ali pola nisam zapisao pa se kajem ali lozi me to planiram uskoro da napravim neki film ono 20 min i stavim na yt (neka pricica onako brzo da ide)

Well obviously
But I mean not wanting to give it a try because you're afraid you don't have every details yet is silly

A brate ne znam sta bi ti rekao,ja sam oduvijek sanjao o pisanju filmova pa upisao faks koji nema nikakve veze s tim i izgubis se. Odradio staziranje u jednoj firmi i sad su mi sve opcije slicne. Ja mislim odrekli bi me se svi da pocnem pisati,u nas se samo cijeni zarada a nema slave ni para za pisce. Usput nisam ni mislio da si haker samo kazem nisam prisutan na drustvenim mrezama jer sam imao problema s ljudima nekim pa mi je bolje da se pritajim. Imas li prijatelja glumaca i jesi se planirao baviti s tim,jer ako ne znas kreativce,mislim da nema buducnosti u filmskoj industriji.


Keep in mind each page is about a minute.

Do like Simon Pegg, Taruntino and Nolan. Get a scene, regardless of length and just write it down. Come back to it later after another scene. Compare to your synopsis.

You'll get it done eventually. The thought a screenplay can be done in a few weeks is bullshit and just writers bragging.

I didn't want the money they were offering

The question of "what medium should it have" has got me stuck for a while a while ago.
I think, in the end, you know ultimately what it should be but you start being worried when you're having issues with the writing. If the idea is good enough, you should not doubt about the medium.
You started it in some way for a reason.

Yeah,but I dunno,this is an idea I came up with an hour ago,I don't think it's good enough that I can write something about it.

Buraz ono ako nemas posao onda jednostavno uzmi i pisi ionako ne radis nista, svaki dan po 10 min dovoljno je napravi neku ideju par scena u glavi pricicu gde bi snimio i to, pa uzmi organizuj neko drustvo koje se lozi na to i tako razmenjujte ideje. Jebes ti taj pravni fakultet i sranja i dobro eto advokat si lupam ili nesto radis od 8 do 4-5 zaradjujes dobre pare ali sta ne radis nista sto volis poserem ti se u to

ej posalji instagram za svaki slucaj,dat cu ti lazni mejl da ovi ne skontaju

korisnicko ime je meagacla pa onda poslije toga ukucas et fejk inboks tocka info (pisi sve ovo kako se pise na engleskom,nece ovi skontat)

Pretty much everyone is just "an idea person". Ideas are easy and fun.

eo zapisao sam poslacu ti poruku sa svog nekog naloga za igrice, a ovaj moj nalog za ing je ulica (pa na engleskom napisi to) dude94 znaci ulica napisi na engleskom i spoji sa ovime dude94 sve spojeno videces

jesi li?

poslao sam ti poruku ali ovo je disposable mail,unistava se nakon sat vremena

uglavnom jesi ti ulicafrajer devedesetcetiri na instagramu?

Ne znam kolko ti ima smisla pisat na engleskom ako planiras pisat za domacu publiku, ali mi je drago cut da ima ljudi s novim idejama a ne stalno isti kurci o nasilju u obitelji i ustasama i cetnicima

dada, slika je nekog klinca i imam 2 slike neki grafiti kao

A ne znam brate,nije da te zelim baciti u depresiju ali nece nista od ovoga biti,cak i da zavrsim ovu pricu to jest ideju,nitko je nece objaviti a kamoli napraviti u film. Ja sam realist,zato sada gonjam pare umjesto neke kreativnosti.

Najlakse je razmisljati tako, jeste da je cela nasa filmska industrija kurac na celom balkanu ali sve je moguce ako niko nece da uzme pricu nacice se neko 3.

A ne znam,mozda si iz kreativne obitelji ili mozda mladost iz tebe progovara. I to ne mislim supacki da ti s visoka pricam jer je ocigledno da se zelis baviti s time. Ja sam bas iz one realisticne obitelji,svi su mi sa diplomom i svi primaju redovnu dobru placu ili su poduzetnici. Ne znam nikoga da je kreativan i nisam odgajan tako da ne mogu djeliti tvoj entuzijazam.

This is very good advice. Well put, user.

Moram da palim napravi neki profil i javi mi se na instagramu

If it doesn't come bursting out, don't bother. I've spent 3 years on the first act and a half of my second feature screenplay while writing 10 shorts a year, and im a relatively productive writer when I have time to write. Not to mention producing these fucking things.

I'll be around btw. AMA if you want, but it's gonna be cynical advice.

Also from what I've read this doesn't sound like a movie. You don't have enough going on for a captivating 90 page film. It sounds like you have one place set in a time that doesn't seem to actually matter for the story and without an arc, ending, or really much of any substantial content.

Write a short story. Figure out what it is best suited for before deciding on a movie. It's not movie material. It's barely short material. Maybe a good first short film.

Thanks man in factThanks to everyone who took their time and offered me their advice or simply acknowledged my post. You guys are alright and I wish you all the best.

Not the user you're replying to, but i've spent a few years on some play as well, now it's done and i'm still not satisfied.
I've toyed with the idea that it might be better as a novel, but it would be like writing a new novel at this point and i'm not sure i'm the same guy that had this idea years ago.
Now it's just sitting there and i'm on other projects that are getting done and sent soon...but i wish i could do something with this one...