I am planning to end the life of the man who has been psychologically terrorizing my family for decades...

I am planning to end the life of the man who has been psychologically terrorizing my family for decades. How effective would be tripwire & staircase? He is often drunk and of rather frail health (lung cancer) and the only thing he ever does is buy booze (not too far away but it takes him over an hour) and harass my mother and grandmother. I have no father at hand to take care of him and my folks are wasting away. What do?

Any suggestions are welcome, even legal etc.

Be useful, plea & thank.

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How do you kill a man who has lung cancer? Though question

I dunno wait?

Try getting a restraining order or waiting for his lung cancer to kill him.
Don't kill him, Then you'll waste away in jail.

>wanting to grant a man a swift death when he will otherwise suffer for years dying slowly of a painful ailment with no loved ones to give a shit


good luck. just know that you will be a suspect because you personally know this man. once the cops get you in a room they will get you to cave in and tell them the truth.

try Ricinu; or castorbean.
legal available, 20 pieces to kill a man

Tell us OP... How has he been terrorizing your family? I may be of some use

Bullshit. Lawyer up, OP

>thinks a lawyer can get you out of a murder charge

Isn't that their job?

I'm probably too pussy. I'd love to make it look like an accident (cliché). Poisoning is too obvious. How do these things work? Do police always assume foul play?

if all the evidence is pointing to you then i doubt a lawyer will even take your case. even if he did it would cost a ridiculous amount of money.

Nice try NSA

Depends where you are, but if the reason for the death is unknown they will probably test the blood.
This is fucking intresting!
>Poisoning occurs when animals, including humans, ingest broken seeds or break the seed by chewing: intact seeds may pass through the digestive tract without releasing the toxin.[19] Toxicity varies among animal species: four seeds will kill a rabbit, five a sheep, six an ox or horse, seven a pig, and eleven a dog. Ducks have shown far more resistance to the seeds: it takes an average of 80 to kill them.

Your post can be easily tracked as your internet provider can check your search history if asked to by a law enforcement agency, meaning that if they have probable cause they can find your post (even if this site is anonymous) and arrest you. I suggest you give up even if he has been harassing your family. also deleting your browsing history wouldn't help due to the fact that that only clears the local cache.

If he's an alcoholic in poor health much less probable they do any tests. Everything is a matter of context.

Acquire his booze
Pour out booze
Replace with Everclear

Probably gonna end up that way, I'm too pussy.

I thought about that too but like do police always assume foul play?

just leave shit at the top of the stairs. no tripwire, but shit for him to trip ON. that way it'll look like an accident. and even if they try to pin it on you, they really can't.

oh no, I left my shoes in the hallway and someone tripped. not a chargeable offense.

if there's an obvious answer, very often no, they don't assume foul play.

Are you a nigger or wigger? If you are nigger wear hoodie with glove beat the shit out of him and kidnapped then mutilated that fucker and throw his remains around beaner hood with z mark across his chest. If you are white. Thing would be easier just stabbed him and took his wallet blame a nigger. Make sure you always sagging when you robbing him.

>lung cancer
he's dying anyway so just stand in front of him and laugh and tell everyone else to do the same. Mind fuck him back.

You'd be surprised how many murderers walk sue to lack of evidence. Also, knowing someone who got murdered doesn't constitute as evidence.

Is it really worth it dude? He sounds like he's gonna die soon anyway. Let nature do its work. Don't rot away in prison for life just to get rid of some old ass parasite that's on his way out soon anyway.

He will probably suffer more with lung cancer than a merciful easy death at your hands.

A speeding ticket maybe, even a robbery if you're rich or a celebrity. But never murder.

OJ Simpson. nuff said.

>Hillary Clinton has

It's very unlikely he did it. He most likely paid someone to do it which is why he got off.

Many people evade the cops for a variety of crimes. Murder is one of those crimes. You have been watching too much CSI. If OP plays his cards right and makes it look like he fell down the stairs, even if he doesn't cry and play his part when questioned there is very little the cops can pin him for.

Oh, no dude. If you're at the point of trial you will probably get the book if there's enough evidence. A lawyer will not get you out of it especially a poverty charity lawyer like OP can afford.

But it's true that a lot of murderes get off scot free because they never reach the trial phase in the first place. They're just never found.