Ask me anything Sup Forums

>Ask me anything Sup Forums
I will be 40 years old by the end of this year.
I have my own house but i'm single, had some gfs, learned some shit, seen people come and go. I had a crazy life so far. Some months before moot was gone i first came here, and all this image board stuff...i quite like it.
If you guys want to ask anything to some crazy old bored (and drunk) user, you are welcome to do it.


Have u ever felt love to a woman?

You don't. IF you really love someone, best you can do is (IMHO): Take the best with you. Be a better person, be strong and keep going. Don't waste yourself on "ifs" and that empty space...People go away. They die, they move on, they will flee and so on...Just be better and remember that you were able to love, that means you can do it all again...the good bits and the bad bits.
More than one...and it is a wild ride. You think that when get older it will be can get jaded and bitter, but even so, if you walk around enough you will always bump into some fun trouble that bleeds once a month. But hey, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Also, i will give me a self bump because i'm in a good mood. I really want to see if i can deliver some helpful words...or something interesting, i can green text some stuff...


So you want me to know about your sex life?
fine, have fun but please don't go nuts on the whole faggot stuff.

I'm 41, will be 42 sept. Been on here off and on for many years. I have no idea when I first started. I've left several times though.

This is OPs thread but I may be able to assist and ad perspective.

>gordon ramsey vs tom sellick.avi

Bet Apollo and Zeus are crazy about it too!

They're pretty happy right now.

another greybeard checking in, 41 here.

sup dusty old farts?

Sup. Stroking it - thoughts?

um, you need a magnum avatar my friend.

Might I suggest Rick?


We just need a Ferrari now...
I'm not dusty, just vintage. But hey, only the survivors will get point.

You do what you gotta do.
Well, i wasn't here when Snacks was a mod and shit...i'm not old here i know that. Just relax man.

42yo Old Fag checking in. Sounds like OP has got his shit together, too.

Own a sailboat, a condo, 3 cats, and a cool wife.

Traps, Wincest, loli, and cucking are NOT the way to a happy and successful lifestyle.

Stop being a pathetic sad sack of shit and get out there are be a man.

TLDR; In this thread, ask the old pros for how to handle your petty, simple youngster bullshit.

i thought avatards were blue?? i never liked magnum, sorry how about this?

Oh jesus here we go....

Fucking Captain Chaos is awesome though. Whoops, I mean "him".


Like said. Come at us, you fucking children.

Which race is the master race?

Well..i did work for a fag that was quite rich. He wasn't flamboyant and he was quite respectful.
I bit of nonsense is what young people do...but too much of it is just that, too much. Drinking till you are half blind in a party when you are 21 is different than when you are 31, and i bet that by 51, it will be different too. So we can choose the poison and the dosage.
You are free to like and dislike stuff as you see fit. But if i was to give you some advice, i would say: You can dislike something, but give it the respect it deserves, someone may dislike you and yet give you respect, that can help you a lot IMHO.

I like the cut of your jib.

The Human Race.

Next question.

Nascar. Best race is Nascar race.

>Own a sailboat
Oh shit, the sailboat, missed that.

Man I watched a documentary called Maidentrip and sort of fell in love with sailing and wanted to see about how to start being a sailfag. THEN I watched All Is Lost.

fuckin' nope

Keep it Eastbound and Down, brother.

Meaning what? Like, what's the ideal fap count on any given day?

OH YEAH...a fucking SAILBOAT. Man... i always wanted to have a boat, but as time went on, i felt i shouldn't buy one,since i wouldn't use it as much as would want to use. BUT hey, boats man...the sea sings its own song, and men that are able to listen to it...i salute you man, hope you had and will have some nice times inside of that floating thing!


The best fap?
Man, that is some weird question...but hey, the best fap is one you have over some nice tits, to me, a nice pair of breasts, someone you really like...that can be fun as hell.
But the thing is, i know you are talking about when you are me is just something we do it some times, like making breakfast: Some days you want a very nice one, some days you just eat some cereals and its enough...


did you fap to ESPN2 fitness shows?

im a 2 a day kinda guy

those fags really thought they were getting away with something. then the AIDS came and set things right

yeah yeah yeah..mustaches were in a grey zone for a long time...but they rock nonetheless!
Nope, but once i did it over Legends Football League. Don't know what that is? You are welcome.
Blame the guys that gave weird looks to those monkeys man...

All is Lost is a veritable "What NOT to do if your a sailor." Good acting, tho.

So, i just want to say: I respect this Image board stuff because it offers free speech to a really nice degree. People can say any shit, and yep...most of it is shit, but people can say anything they want without their identities being taken into consideration. This place give us the chance to learn from people we wouldn't listen if we were face to face, to listen to the message without judging the messenger. That is what i like about this place.
And i really want things like this to never die.
So, i'm still here, and any questions that i'm able to answer, i will do it, and i will try to do similar threads at different hours in a near future.

Is that a pic of you, and if so is your name Frank and do you work at a driving school.

My name can be Frank if you care about it, but nope, i never worked at a driving school. The image is Magnum, a badass vet that went to live in Hawaii and solve crimes.

What's it like to reminisce about your 20s and looking back at the Parties, young sex encounters, etc.. Are you still partying like a young dude? I'm about to go into my 30s in a couple years and already I'm feeling sad for my 20s. Especially for going to shows/dance parties in big cities.

i still work and party like im in my twenties, i do miss fucking 20 y/o girls tho.

When i was in my 20s...well, i did a lot of crazy stuff.
I was part of a gang, i did some wrong things, some drugs, treated nice people like shit and shitty people really nice...bunch of mistakes.
Parties were nice, and it is still nice, but it's not just you that gets older. You do the same thing enough times, sooner or later it will get old. To me, i'm okay with a Saturday alone, i will have a great time playing some random game with some friends over some beers...i would like to get married, one night stands will be quite nice for some months, but i think about years and idk...i understand that regret is useless, so i try to remember what i have learned with my mistakes and my..."adventures". To me, there was a point when i went "okay, i'm tired of this weekend party thing" You start enjoying smaller, more "well crafted" moments, instead of just overload. But that's just my opinion, everybody can have grey hairs, but each head is different.