Why doesn't it get any easier?

Why doesn't it get any easier?

Cause your a whiny bitch drunk all the time.

And that sir is the meaning of life.

Because it's not supposed to, evolution and shit

Because you refuse to grow.

Life will always throw shit at you, you can either deal with it or quit

Because thats life, its never easy
It only gets easy when you end it all

Because you're a faggot

Positive attitude brings positive things



Idk I only feel normal high off weed for some reason getting drunk makes me feel better but in a other way im scared of trying new drugs because they could probably make me feel better in other ways as well but I will probably get addicted this is as far as I get until I have 0 motivation

You can be super positive but that wont stop random chance from punching you in the dick

>if you think good thoughts, you'll have good thoughts

He didnt say only positive things would happen. Jesus said that time and chance affect us all. But your attitude DOES determine the flow of your life.

Unfortunately this only works in certain cases

I dare all of you to take this challenge: For one week, you will not say negative things. Say only positive things.

Today is going to be a good day.
My court case will turn out fine.
People like me.
They will have Cherries Garcia at the store.

Seriously - try it for a week, watch the change happen.

Use the gas

U welcome

And for gods sake - go outside now and again.

Fucking this. Positive thinking is everything because your perception of your surroundings is what makes you feel. Feeling good about your feels makes you feel good.
Oh and when you feel good, you do good and in turn, when you do good you're done good by others. Good luck faggot

there you go
cry and die or grow the fuck up

you push on, or you end it by killing yourself. do you really want to give up?