4chins, I require your excellent taste in film

4chins, I require your excellent taste in film

I need more absurdist films, more specifically films where shit is totally fucked up but y'all niggas are all acting like it's normal

>Personal favourites are the lobster, being john malkovich and the double

Don't let me down 4chin



Orson's masterpiece


>Sup Forums
>excellent taste in film

pick one.
we dont watch movies here.
we meme and shitpost.

The Exterminating Angel

The Holy Mountain
The Naked Gun trilogy

Cronenberg's masterpiece

Movies by Jodorowsky and Arrabal

Unironically an actual masterpiece desu



holy motors


You guys are gods amongst men.

Thank you.


Goodnight Mommy may suit your needs.



Seen it, scared the fuck out of me
Anything Yorgos Lanthimos is a favourite of mine

save the green planet is pretty absurd

The Lobster is quite good