Math test,Sup Forums how smart are you?

Math test,Sup Forums how smart are you?




6, fucking retards


it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

3 + 3 x 3 - 3 + 3

We can remove the - 3 + 3 because they directly negate each other

3 + 3 x 3

Order of operations says multiplication before addition so

3 + 9


There you go retards

How do you even get 6

If you make the equation 3 + (3 x (3 - 3)) + 3 it equals 6, but this is the stupidest way to even think this equation is solved

I guess you're the girl in that picture

Wtf why would anyone with even a single brain cell think to solve it like that

Like with all of these, how the problem has been written equals 12. It's not how it should be written though which is why people get all defensive about shit.

18, obv

You have to multiply first retard



12 bitches
3*3 9
3+9 12
12-3 9
9+3 12

There's no way it "should" be written, it's just the way it's written here. If it's written differently it's not the same equation.

Congratulations! You win the "almost complete reading comprehension" award!

>can't read one whole sentence
>calls other people retard
this has to be bait, no one can be this stupid and function a computer

bait or really shitty education are my guesses


What did you mean then


This is a poorly written math problem, you would not find this on any test at any level of education. People make these to entice debate about the answer. The fact that people can come up with more than one answer (by "correcting" the problem and not working it as it's written) is why problems aren't written like this.

And no shit it would be a different equation. 5+4x3 is "different" than 3(4+5) because it's written differently but it's still the same answer, one is just written poorly.

You do find these,on 9 year olds' math tests,people are retarded enough to not know that and don't want to accept that they're wrong


I even confused myself because the last example I gave doesn't equal the same answer for both. I'm retarded.

Only people ignorant of math would write or post that. There is no intellectualism from posting it, or giving in to the stupid game.

OP here,i just love seeing the shitstorm it creates

everybody forgets inbreeding