Is this an accurate assessment of what countries are going to be banned from entering America after Trump gets elected?

Is this an accurate assessment of what countries are going to be banned from entering America after Trump gets elected?

Problem is you will never be able to ban America from entering America.


I know you're meming but he's making a promise he can't keep. People will just lie about their religion to get in, it's how a lot of Middle Easterners escape as asylum seekers right now. Just claim they are Christian, Bahai, homosexual right now.



Mexican, while brown, are not Muslim

Restrict immigration based on point of origin. Would probably be easier to enact anyways from a purely legal standpoint

I don't like immigration at all, I want to close that institution.


i had no idea that Bulgaria was so turkicized


>UK banned


Thank goodness I'm considered white :^)

Banning the UK? Americas closest ally despite UK only being diagnosed with 14% shitskin? Sure pal

>Lebanon Israel Ethiopia India Bulgaria Cyprus Montenegro Macedonia
they should be part green faggot


They house significant Muslim minorities though

Enough to be a threat


immigration is cancer.

>Literally part of America
>Banned from America
nice logic Cletus.

Only the USA is America, fuck off foreigner shiller.

Can't be racist if it's banning all immigrants now can it.


>banning anyone from entering


montengrins aren't allowed? I thought that they were just lazier more laid back serbians

Liberia should be allowed

literally the second most American country

i got it the wrong way around

now i feel bad

You need to ban the midwest too. I think the cultural marxists decided minnesota was too white, so they started importing somalians


Pic relevant to this thread

>one off
>allowing ceylon and jamaica