Still waiting for an answer

Still waiting for an answer...

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No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.




The fact that you even ask this question, wow. He's clearly and obviously racist. What's not to get.

There's a bull in this thread that needs to be preped.

It's lost its meaning.

I love how that tranny got dox'ed within 4 hours.

I wish I could look at the answer list of the people being paid to say they support that bitch.

If johnny depp and professor snape fused together


Bruh that's a fight right there swear I'd give that nigga the wetwork

Because literally just suggesting that whites in america have a culture, and that culture is worth preserving, is considered racist by the mentally ill left.

To them, only other cultures are worth anything. Even if they throw gays off of buildings, etc.

Like I say, mentally ill.

Hi leddit


We did it reddit!

Leftist have an ingrain understanding of what being a "cuck" is. They won't acknowledge it as existing, but they know full well when someone is not acting in the manner to promote being cucked. They are addicted to being cucks and installing cucks as leaders to promote cuckoldry for everyone. When someone is not a cuck, they act out by calling them a racist.

Hey Carl

How did this cunt not have his face broken?


The Trump supporters are better than him.

this is my favorite one besides the me and my son one

But can he make sliced bread to not suck?

To be honest, how is he NOT a racist? Checkmate Trump.

Even responding to this plays into their game. It works under the assumption that if they could prove he was racist, it would be meaningful.

I'd slap this faggot so hard then hold him down when he's on the ground crying and pull his little tough guy antifi face mask down and spit giant disgusting lugies onto his face over and over and over again in rapid succession. I'd generate so much fucking spit then faggot would forever have my dna inside him through the sheer amount of mucus deposits courtesy of yours nigly.

The reveal of the nose behind the bandana is the answer

as a faggot, made my dick hard user :3

Why do white people like to spit on folks?
Don't you know that's an automatic ass whooping?
Don't you realize all limiters are disabled when you spit in another man's face.

He probably doesn't like black people.

They want to provoke people so they can portray themselves as victims. Honestly what they need is a bullet to the head, not a punch.

Witnessed, also A+ dubs flourish at the end.

He's not racist, but he is xenophobic against Muslims. He wants to ban all Muslims temporarily from coming into the United States

The best response to them is to simply video tape them and spread their behavior and ideas as far and as wide as you can because the more people that can see it, the weaker their movement becomes. They're the ones wearing masks and who put their hands in front of cameras when they realize they're being recorded. Deep down they know what they're doing is reprehensible.

>implying this is a problem
>implying Obama didn't do this in his first term

you say that like it's a problem

Well, Hillary said in a debate that we should welcome refugees, extremely vetted.

So the implication is that we should not welcome them if they are not extremely vetted. Which is exactly what Trump is saying.

Is Hillary a racist too?



I would knock that cunt out so hard he'd never wake up.

I'm not denying that Obama was xenophobic, but you say it like it's justifiable. It's like saying how because of the Crusades we should let Muslims take over the West, which I know you guys hate.

I'll bite, explain to me how letting people who's only immigration documentation is a syrian passport, which are known to be fabricated by now, and whatever they tell immigration officials is reasonable.

I love it when a plan comes together!

Holy fuck this cracked me up good post user.

> I will take the Ring to Mordor
> Though... I do not know the way.

I don't know. I've had the same opinion for a few years now but more and more frequently I'm thinking a thorough ass beating would probably be enough to make half of them go home and give it up.

are you aware that the muslims attempted in full force to take over Europe several centuries prior to the crusades?

I would have knocked that guy out, and I'm a frail weakling hermit who hates seeing violence. Those guys have nerves of steel.

Yes, except that liberals decide to keep that part out to fit their agenda on why the Muslim invasion is justified.

>I will take the ring to Mordor
>though Im going to need to find a WOMYNs bathroom along the way

They want to be little martyrs. They want to be proven correct that they're the only good guys and the world is against them. If you stand there and politely ask them for detailed explanations of their views they throw temper tantrums.

Trump never said anything about not allowing refugees in if they weren't vetted, he explicitly said just ban them all temporarily.

Yes, until we get the situation figured out -- aka vetting problems and terrorists exploiting the situation to get in.

Which comes all down to straight vetting. Like Hillary said.

is it a phobia if its rational

And this is a problem how?

this kidding must stop!



Well, there was his policy of not renting to blacks. He got sued over that and settled.


he uhhhhhh said uhhhhhh racist things about the nationality known as Mexicans. As well as racist things about uhhhhhh followers of a religion known as radical Islam.

he uhhhhhh also said uhhhhhh 'make america white again', things like that


Today Sup Forums will again walk the fine line between "Trump is teh ubermensch fuhrer! :DDD" and "Trump dindu nuffin to dem shitskins, it's da LIBRUL MEDIA!"

Let's watch.

The wall you dumbass, it's the same thing Hitler did.

Well, not the exact same, but it is the same idea.
Nationalism is down, people feel bad about themselves, so Trump is providing a minority to be our scapegoat.

All Americans have nipples the shape of pancakes on our soakingly wet smelly man boobs, You can basically call a fat American the breakfast special
>Eggs = Mantitties
>Nipples = Pancakes with syrup
>Belly button lint = Strawberry jelly
>Balls = oranges
>dick = big black sausage
>Head = a fucking watermelon

U wot m8?

Does necessarily make him a racist, though? Maybe he's just a good businessman by recognizing that renting to blacks would drive rents down and hurt his bottom line. The motivation for discriminatory practices doesn't have to be racist. In fact, the Supreme Court has declared that illegal discrimination in housing can be demonstrated without any guilty or racist state of mind at all.

>No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way


Then why does the LA Times say she's paid $1,000,000+ to hire paid shills to shill for her online???

"Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her PAID SUPER SHILLS"

>mfw dumbass Trump supporters haven't even heard of the Berlin Wall
Read a book you highschool dropout.

Great posts friends

>Muh Berlin walls
It was a wall between the same people

Mexicans are not equals to Americans


>that face
oh shit, how deep does this go?

>Hitler's wall.

This bait never gets old.

ALL Nationalist are racist

Fuck this racist bitch!

The guy spitting in the video got doxxed?

Would beat the shit out of that twink. Spitting on someone is considered assault and that entitles you to self defense.

Oh shit this is kinda hot...

lol i saw aids frodo yesterday at school

I probably would have stabbed him

t. a spic

Yup 'pheonix singer' self identifies as Jewish btw

Had some fun YouTube videos but maybe they're gone now

>spic gettin all stabby

fucking standard. see. this is what trump is talking about