Sup Forums what's the point of it all...

Sup Forums what's the point of it all ? It seems like life is just and endless pit of bullshit where you jump through hoops and pretend to be happy, what's the point of it.

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There is no point, disregard happiness, that is the cause of your troubles. Continuous striving will never lead to fulfillment.

Do nothing, conquer boredom. Enjoy freedom.

freedom to do what ? If there's no point to anything then why even do anything ? And what's the point of freedom if you have nothing to do with it ?

There is no real point to life! This was all a cosmic accident, that happend because of one star reaching its end of its life cycle. And we are the product of that stars death. If we werent in the exact spot where we are in the solar syatem we wouldnt even exist, so take solace in knowing that life is full of bullshit invented by other humans with nonsensical pointlessness to their lives in order to earn the thing that gives us all you and i are, are extra 0's on someones paycheck to afford them the luxuries weel never have. On a positive note death is the onky the thing we can look forward to, and welcome as a freeby!

Well gee thanks for cheering me up

Biologically speaking it's clear that the ultimate point of life is to spread yout own genes as much as possible.
Otherwise, there's no absolute meaning, it's just up to you give your life a sense if you feel the need to.

There is no point, and there is no afterlife. Either remain ignorant and happy, or continue down this rabbit hole until you turn into an alcoholic like me or you kill yourself. Have fun.

Quite welcome, my intent is to open your eyes and awaken the inner you. This life we lead is desinged to be a profit margin for the higher ups! Life is emoty, and without meaning. If we took away all of our modern day items and went back to living in caves as we were meant to do in the first place then lifes meaning would be quite simple! Survival! But here we are being ran like livestock until our bitter end, in which we either 1) leave our loved ones with a bloody mess or 2) leave our loved ones with a big ugly bill for our death. Either way, we all fuck someone in the end! Its up to you to make that choice.

Ive taken myself out of this matrix you all call life! Time to awaken some more people to the real world. And its not a pretty sight once you see it, but its the real world none the less.

What fucking choices ? Fuck someone over with a bloody mess or fuck someone over with a big ass bill ? Wow such amazing choices to choose from.

And all you have to do, is continue down your rabbit hole and ask the right questions. Or remain blissfully ignorant to what your life has become. I only offer the truth, and nothing more!

Yep, those are the two choices! Unfortunate as it is, that is what life has become for us. Thats why i havent eaten a bullet!

Are you the matrix guy or the two choices guy ?

I like it better without some purpose. Only in this way our sight remains wide enough to consider all possibilities and have all the time we need to explore every corner of reality.
Also, even if there was a goal set in stone, we wouldn't be satisfied and will still look for its motivation, nature and so on.

Some suggestions:
1) study shit, discover shit and go look for the purpose of life yourself. even if small, your contribution will sum with every other to eventually come to a conclusion on where the fuck are we. won't happen tomorrow though, that's why we must create and maintain a livable and inspiring environment for future generations.
2) help people that don't think like you do. no point can be found without first figuring out the basics, everybody can help with that, even indirectly.

Idk man I've tried it just still seems pointless and a waste of effort, I still force myself to do the daily routine each day, you know go to work go home, relax practice music. But it still feels so empty stand pointless.

Im just a guy trying to help you understand the reality of which you reside! I only offer the truth...nothing more.

pretend? hell, i am happy. i'm happy as hell. my life is one big party. sorry for you

>Do nothing, conquer boredom. Enjoy freedom.

Pretty deep and i agree.

If nothing has meaning, everything has meaning. It doesnt really matter what you trick your monkey brain into valuing because it doesn't make it any less real.
Just have fun with life and explore. Is there a point to a fireworks show, aside from entertainment? Is there a point to art? No.. but we do it because we are creative by nature. Our place in this world is one of a reactive chemical. Do shit

you just don't get it. meaning means nothing. When you breath it's has a meaning. Everything you do has a meaning.

Life is that ugly sweater given to you from your parents, you can hate it all you want but most people would never throw it out or trade it for something better.

Sup Forumsro, I followed the rabbit hole as far as I could. I'm currently a doctoral student studying the underlying mechanisms of life. I've come to the conclusion that there's no point to any of it and I've wasted my life chasing an answer that doesn't exist and entirely wasted my youth.

In short friend; fuck bitches, get money, and when you've had your fill, end it.

I'm just saying from my experience it seems like all everyone does is pretend everything is fine. My family has to pretend they arnt a bunch of alcoholics who do nothing but drink. I have to pretend like my uncle never killed himself and never mention it to any family. My friends have to pretend I'm not just some shitty third wheel who only hangs out with them because we work at the same joint. Politicians have to pretend that what they're saying isn't complete bullshit and that they care about who they represent . ect ect

now that you said it, why not kill yourself ?

I feel like you could have come to that conclusion without a degree if you had used critical thinking

How much life was really wasted, if it was never yours to begin with? You don't own time. time owns you. You can't waste something that you don't have.

While a lot of life might seem shit, there are moments of happiness that beat out the bad. I like to think life is worth those precious few moments. If I would have been always focusing on the bad, i wouldn't have met my wife.

What if death is excruciating?


You're entirely correct friend. It should be noted however when there's nothing to lose, there's little reason not to ensure you're correct.

>pretend they arnt a bunch of alcoholics who do nothing but drink

sew buttons. i'm an alky that does nothing but drink. so? i'm having the time of my life, it's fucking fun. and people die every day, so would you feel better if you uncle fell off a building? and why is politics even involved in this? because your college professor said so? fuck man, have a good time, all the time. that's it, the end all be all.

Meaning in life is an idea of humanity. There is no underlying theme or meaning, but only what human beings put into it.

You are simply a receptacle and vehicle for your DNA, it controls your every action in a concerted effort to pass itself on.
Simply put, every action you take, every liason you get involved in, every loving relationship, the feelings you have toward the mother of your children and indeed the love you feel for your children comes directly from the DNA which simply only cares if you live long enough to move on to the next generation.

That is the point of life, you are a slave Neo, but not to something out there, this thing that controls you is inside, there is no red pill to take only a choice of caliber before it makes you breed, do it Neo... do it.

That's what your DNA wants you to think, it owns you.

>That is the point of life,

The meaning of life is getting dubs and trips on Sup Forums.


just kys if you feel that way
the universe doesn't give a shit



>your DNA,

There is no "your DNA"

Literally all humanity came from 1 point

>Simply put, every action you take
wrong again

it's all in the environment and circle of people you have, nothing to do with DNA

>That is the point of life

No, that's just your emotions speaking. DNA is just a part of evolution. With more breading DNA changes, which is by millions of years.

Try to imagine a universe without life. Time is relative to an observer, space is a product of sensory inputs compiled in the mind. For a universe without life, everything exists in an infinitesimally finite instant. Life is the thing that endows the universe with substance and longevity. We are the way that the universe sees itself. Yes- sometimes all it sees is bullshit. But then, it's not really looking. There are a hundred billion things happening around and inside of you to reach that conclusion. A roiling hurricane of chemicals pumping through you at any given moment, but you don't see.
We are blind to many things, but we have intelligence that can pierce into those hidden worlds. We can know whats happing inside of us and around us to such a degree that when we try to predict the immediate future we're actually right most of the time. These are insane gifts.

We evoke light into the universe. When you see the stars, that is not them shining. That is you shining them- they are just waves of light. All the brilliant light and sounds of the universe is in your mind. You don't have to live like you are just a person inside this universe. You can associate yourself with the universe itself. You can believe that it's all you, there isn't a soul in the world that could argue otherwise. Nobody was ever told what to be. So be that. Be the universe itself and you will feel much more content with life and everything, I promise.

Imagine every conceivable thing (imaginable) is represented by a line.
A pencil, a little bug, a microbial bacteria, a rock, a house, you, your gay dad, your ex girlfriend, that shit stain on your boxers, the light refracting into your eye from the quotation mark in "you have a tiny penis", that protein compound from one of your sperm cells, a single particle that constitutes any of the former.

Every single line has a beginning - it's conception, what gives it form, and an end - it's decay.
Okay, so between these two points, is a point for every time that object interacted with another object.
Now smash all these lines together.

Do this a billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, billion more times, and you have yourself one second of existence.

I wouldn't say there is a "point", but I like to appreciate the complexity of existing.

Thanks for this. I like this attitude

no point
your body becomes worm food
everything else is an unknown

goal is to get to the other side and find out what's there.