Ask Someone who OD'd on heroin and had complete memory loss anything.. still have most my memory gone

Ask Someone who OD'd on heroin and had complete memory loss anything.. still have most my memory gone

What ayy lmaos did you find


I found out that life is valuble

I'm so sorry

How old

Don't be sorry, this is a new start to life.. this is where I salvage everything before losing everything


What exactly have you forgotten ? Do you still remember your name, the name of your friends, what you did last week, your childhood...?

Hey man I know you don't remember but you owe me like $500

How do you know

How was ur mothers womb n vaginal canal like?
R8 plz

I knew my name, close friends and family only, bits and parts of my childhood, didn't know passwords, pins, directions, how to drive.. couldn't remember 3 minutes for the first few weeks, forgot I had just eaten all types of shit

I'll wire it to you
Because my Girlfriend has been there for me the entire time
Ehh 2/10

Oh, so you remember just as much as the average person.

Fucking drama queen.

Hey it's funny/ironic how u cherish every last bit you have now huh?

I've gotten alot back.. when it happens and I woke up in the hospital I asked for the first 3 days over and over if I OD,d and if I was trying to kill myself

>complete memory loss
>remembers enough to post on Sup Forums


Hahaha.. but I WAS smarter then the average bear..
Funny.. dumb.. ironic to say the least

Well, first off I have some bad news for you. Before your mind wipe, you used to go by isabella and were in the early stages of transitioning to a trap

youve alfrady been with around 589 guys. thays 589 different dicks youve had in your asshole and mouth. id suggest going through with the penis extration asap. dont mess around with mind wipes, man.

My memory has come back.. it's been 6 weeks.. its funny how mind works and how some stuff comes back that you havnt thought about I'm years and years and the most obvious stuff is lost to oblivion.. something triggerd 4 Chan from browsing YouTube and here I am.. sharing my story with you btards

Wish ya love bro
H is next on the list for me =}

Actually not a trap, but have had girlfriend fist me once up to get elbow.. till she ripped it completely out... never again

So you don't remember the Tyrone incident...

How did heroin cause you alzheimers? It doesn't do that. I mean short term, while you're knocked out, but not long term. Shit was laced or you're just autistic

Hope you escape.. death is bad but this is a whole nother level of sufferage

No.. what happened?
Laced with fentanyl.. also it was traumatic with my body and my organs started shutting down.. my soul wanted to live or something.. I inhaled allot of vomit into my lungs..

That one's a classic. Oh you

How many family members did you lose in World War 4

Why don't you tell me what the duck happened then.. I'm a rare case.. it fucked with some part of my brain in thr process.. racked up a million dollars in hospital bills

So it was the oxygen deprivation that did it? How far back do you (not) remember.

The world will end before ww3

Short term memory loss fag here. My brain had a reset like that once only mine ripped 2 years straight out of my head not the whole thing. You're in for a wild ride, Good luck user.

Yes oxygen depravation..its not so much how far bacm I can remember.. it's spotted memory loss, best way to describe it

Why did you start using heroin?

Jake, I've been looking everywhere for you, holy fuck!! Whyd you come to Sup Forums of all places? Just lay low until we can find you. Can you give coordinates? Operation little skittle didn't go as planned. We're all skattered and had to go under.

Don't leave the house we'll reach you in less than a week. Destroy any remaining usbs if you still have them.

Thanks.. doctors keep saying it will all return other then the incident it's self

Not a problem for you Dr. Evil

Because the feeling of not feeling was nice, to have a few hours where nothing mattered.. I starting using as a coping method to suppress my feelings after the first few uses, it started with painkillers

There will always be some holes in your memory. Best not to bother too much with it. It drove me to depression at some point. Look forward not backward that's all the advice i can give.

Lol I live life on the edge

How much cc hit pussy?

Can u send me some heroins pls? Wan to die

Thankyou.. there were tons of holes before the incident.. it's weird how memorys came back I hadn't thought of for years and years before .. the mind is weird.. I just want all of the important stuff back and up front

Was you on prescription pills then move onto heroin? What advice would you have for someone opiate dependant?

Address? Lol go find your local black man, chances are he's holding

How big was the hit you did? How many ccs? If europoor, whatever needle measurements they use?

>Forgot almost everything
>Still remembers that gastly casts amnesia.

Yes it started with pain killers.. my advice is, it's nothing but down from here if you don't get help now.. I'm lucky.. I almost died, you don't want that because no matter how bad you feel and how hard it is now.. it will only get worse from here.. there is absolutely no up from here if you continue useing.. I thought I had a good grasp on my addiction and fellow addicts were amazed I wasn't an everyday user with how long I was in it.. but it doesn't matter.. your life can end in a moment

Lmmfao! That's fucking amazing lol had not thought of that

im sorry WHAT? did everyone just fail to see this comment or

You can't measure how much you did by today's standards.. I didn't like to dilute my dope to much.. but I did 2 or 3 bags where 1 at this strength would of been enough.. but it's impossible to test strength

It's okay, since OP forgot how much a fag he was

Yeppp lol but that's a topic for another day user

I just used to like things in my ads and Jack off to the occasional granny open or fisting porn.. it's normal lololol

Bump.. it feels good to talk about this

No mo?

Why does 99% of modern metal suck so much?

Prolly because everyone's searching for that next sound that will take the world by storm... taste changr.. beiber is a faggot

Do you randomly regain memory like you just sit on a couch and think "Oh hey that happened"

>searching for that next sound that will take the world by storm
Doubtful 90% of them are all screamo/core

Hell Yeah! And it feels fucking amazing.. it's like 100 small victories a day

Why did they save you?

You should have done a little more than what you did. Done us all a favor.

Yeah well people sent very original

I have the same thing OP, complete memory loss, from heroin and it sucks, I can't remember just a few minutes ago. You're totally in my same situation. I even have that same .jpg of the sad ghastly and I have an emotinal connection with it. Wow I even have it with the same file name, we must have saved it from the same site or something...

wait a minute..Did i post this thread? Am I Op? DAMMIT

Because unlike you.. apparently I have people that care and love me

Lol, a junkie acting like anyone cares if they live or die.

Got news for you kiddo, they dont.

To be fair, your memories probably sucked. Consider yourself lucky.

For realz? That's crazy bro.. it will get better

Train A leaves station A at 4 AM and travels 5,000 miles to station C at 100 mph. Train B Leaves station B at 5 AM and travels 5,500 miles to station C at 120mph. Which train arrives at station C first?

Lol whatever u say
Some do.. Some are amazing and it feels good to remember


Train a obviously

Its a fact. And the fact that you are role playing a junkie is also kind of horrifying.

Get some help, you need it.

A junkie uses daily.. I used 1-3 times a week