Who else does this bullshit to their fingers and how do you stop it?

Who else does this bullshit to their fingers and how do you stop it?

What are you talking about? Putting your nails under your nails?

You are not noticing the fact that i pick my skin around the nails?? If not, then I'm good fam.
Just gonna keep my habit.

I see nothing wrong with that
You do you my dude

I dont know bro. Im 26 now have struggled with it since i was 15.

The only thing that makes me stop is having truly dirty hands, like spending days in the woods or doing greasy manual labor. But as soon as i watch my hands im back at it.

Also mdma, psychadelics and stimulants make me not do it.

Its disgusting as fuck, especially when you come out of the shower or taken a bath

cut your fucking nails

instead of picking, use nail clippers or something o cut the skin off

How do you do that but not bite your fingernails?

I do this shit since when I remember. Wish I could stop

I do this and it sucks
>Teach swim lessons
>Being in the water so long makes the flesh on my fingers really soft and easy to tear
>Tear too deep in some spots, ouch
>Heals up within a couple days
>Go back in pool
>Repeat xsideways8

Cut your nails very short, and do it often. Like once a week at least. And don't just use nail trimmers, use an emery board afterwards to round them off and shape them shorter. Do it.

25 here. I can't remember a time when I didn't do this.
I've never been into drugs, so I don't know about the effect it would have on me. I know, however, that alcohol makes me not give a fuck, so I just go at it severely.
But same as you, I never do it when my hands are dirty as fuck. I used to do a lot of farmwork and it was never as bad then.
Are drugs literally the only thing that make you stop? Or do you have any other tricks?
Have people ever mentioned to you, that your fingers look fucked? Also post pic, if you are up to it.

Ey, you ain't my clan leader, I don't have to listen to you

While that is very effective in fucking up my skin, I always dig too deep and unearth the fucking Balrog of pain, so I returned to my old ways of picking instead of cutting.

How tha fak am I supposed to pick my skin, if I don't have nails to do it with??

But fååk, it's so satisfying, ain't it mate?

While this is very likely to work, I really don't wanna do it. I can't play false notes on my guitarre without my nails.

Fellow dermatophagia fags unite

Anyone feel like sharing pics of their fingers, so I don't feel so fucking repulsive and alone in this?
at least I'll just be repulsive.

Pic related?

Got the exact same habit.

Ever think about why you do this?

Tea tree oil man. Come on.

cut your nails. damn, how the fuck much fag are you OP?

It's like you're trying to communicate something, but you're being too gay for me to understand.

put band aids on the fucked up cuticles until they regrow and stop eating your fingers. simple

Apply it to the skin around your nails. No more shreds

Did you just fucking assume my gender expression? (or whatever the fuck is hip amongst the angsty snowflakes to say these days)
Read the fucking thread, I play guitarre.

My ugly fingers. Sometimes I pick them so deep its raining blood.

ahhhh. And how do I go about getting this stuff?

Walmart, sallys etc

Read this?This is why your suggestion is a bad idea. It has the same effect. Soo fucking satisfying to pick!


>had this habit for decades
>now it's thick callus.
>it's even easier to pick off since it's a layer
>so fucking satisfying


>habit of tearing off the edges of toenails
>big and little toes
>over time little toes outer edges have divided
>now have 2 nails growing next to each other
>when it's ripe and big enough I pull it out the tiny nail root and all

tore out the entire little toenails one night and they have reunified

Oh shit, look at them clean nails!
I dunno, looks like you're just a hard worker to me. I wouldn't give your fingers a second thought if I saw them irl. But thank you for sharing. I'm sure your fingers aren't that neat all the time, so I get the picture.

I do this as well, but it doesn't bother me as much, since I just hide them ugly toes in socks and shoes. Fingers, on the other hand(lel), are another story.

If anyone gives half of a shit, OP will post a picture of little toe that I fucked op yesterday.