What's your point cunt

what's your point cunt

here you go lad
have a pity (You)


I'm having that poo I promised

hello, it's your friend from /brit/ here
this thread is quite funny and good, high five!

Do yanks not eat chocolate eggs?

thanks lad

you too means a lot

Fuck off satan, if you read the article you'd realize it's because Americans actually believe in god and treat it as the most important Christian holiday. It's a time for prayer, reflection, and dinner with family. Not drunken debauchery and gluttony.


>not celebrating the resurrection of the Lord with drunken debauchery
did He not say "take this [wine] all of you and drink from it"?
are you disobeying Him?
you're not a protestant are you?

Catholics act like pagans and use God's works as an excuse to engage hedonistic pleasures. Somber reflection and joy in His works is the proper way of celebration. Now go pray to your idols.

No, they don't have Easter eggs. They don't have hot cross buns either.

proddies act like they were born with trees up their arses and use sombre reflection as an excuse to be a boring shit who god wouldnt invite to the rapture because theyd make heaven a right shithole and would never talk to the saints

yes we do

Protestants recognize that the satanic Papists usurped the Church and consolidated power in for worldly ends and claim divine powers unattributable to men. You claim to know God's will and to speak for God but your motivations are base and vulgar like the rest of your ilk. You refuse to celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ with dignity and spirituality.

blah blah blah im a gay proddy wanker who sucks the bibles cock because im too scared to suck off a priest

But we do eat loads of chocolate ;^/

follow up question:

why is american chocolate so fucking rank?
everyone ive met in england and nz agrees it tastes of vomit

Less strict laws about what is defined as "chocolate". If you don't buy shit-tier chocolate like Hershey's it's fine. Even CVS brand chocolate is better.

Butyric acid

Catholicism is fake Christianity and this is exactly why it is so much better. Protestantism is real Christianity and it, together with Judaism, spawned Humanism and Marxism.

Catholicism worships the Pope and with it submission to authority. Protestantism recognizes that all men were created by God and therefore can use their own reason to examine Holy scripture to find deeper truth. Catholicism is built on control and subjugation, Protestantism on liberation and God-given reason. The Protestant Work Ethic is well known phenomenon and emphasizes the power of the individual.

Thirty Years wasn't enough.

individualism is wank
adam and eve not adam sitting inside all day reading scripture to find some higher truth while the clergy is out getting pissed and rooting each others sons ok

You sure you're not an Australian? I wish the internet didn't exist so I wouldn't have to hear such drivel from someone exhiled to the ass end of the world.

hahahahhahahaaahahahahahah lmfao hahahhahahhha aaahahahahhhahaahahhhhaahhahahhahaahha nice spelling error hahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha post disregarded aahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IDIOT HAHHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHHSHSHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA PRAISE JESUS

Got it.


Now want to campaign for cooler Easter parties, lads. How do I go about doing this?




If G_d is all-knowing, the saintly intercession is irrelevant.

Get back to work Bill