Okay Sup Forums after years of being a shut in and hiding from my anxiety and depression i finally want to consult with...

Okay Sup Forums after years of being a shut in and hiding from my anxiety and depression i finally want to consult with a doctor about it.

How do i bring it up? like how do i get the conversation started about my mental health so i can have a diagnoses of come kind and finally get some help?

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Pretty much conversation starters to ease into my mental health concerns.

I am anxious about going out in public and the social interaction, what the doctor will think of me (just trying to get meds etc) but im also anxious that i will sound like i "self diagnosed" and am telling the doctor that i have these things...


well go to a psychiatrist not a doctor.

you wont need conversation staters they are specialist in these things and they will get the ball rolling. they know you dont make an appointment without good reason

Noted: but original question still applies

Medfag here
You might need a referral from your doctor to see a psychiatrist. Regardless, the MD psych people will pawn you off to a psychologist for CBT (talk therapy) unless they want to place you on medication (which they most likely will).

What are you looking for exactly, and what are your symptoms like?

Psychiatrists are doctors. Psychologists usually aren't.

>Pretty much conversation starters to ease into my mental health concerns.

"I'm depressed and anxious all the time and I need help."

The doctor will take it from there. They may ask specific questions like how long it has been going on, how it affects your life (can't get out of bed, sleep too much, sleep to little, obsessive worry, etc.).

Well i can barely leave the fucking house
Lost all interests and aspirations
planned my suicide, method and everything, even purchased some of the shit.

Thanks, i think ill say just that line. i tend to freeze up and go all autismo / cant think in social situations so i need to plan before hand the interactions.

That's really serious. Please call a doctor asap. If you are feeling actively suicidal, go to the emergency room. People do that all the time. You will get care there.

If you have suicidal thoughts and intentions, please call your doctor and explain on the phone what it is about (otherwise they may not schedule you soon). If all fails with a quick appointment and you feel like you might hurt yourself or someone else, go to the ER.

>planned my suicide, method and everything, even purchased some of the shit.

You might want to say that you're not suicidal anymore, you abandoned your plan, and you got rid of the stuff you were going to use. Or you'll likely get a 72 hour involuntary commitment.

If you want real help, do not lie.

A still-unidentified 35-year-old man from Roy, Utah called a suicide prevention hotline at 4:00 a.m. Tuesday morning (October 21). A SWAT team showed up and, according to Roy PD spokesman Matt Gwynn, “negotiated” with the “subject” for more than six hours.
“At some point those negotiations failed and unfortunately the SWAT team was involved in a shooting, and the subject is now deceased,” Gwynn told a reporter for the Ogden Standard-Examiner, taking refuge in the familiar, officially-prescribed impersonal language used to describe police shootings.

Eyewitness Ron Smith told the Standard-Examiner that he heard “one shot, and then a pause, and then four or five shots after that, that were very rapid.”

Although he provided no further details from the incident — not even the name of the victim — Gwynn quickly asserted the reasonableness of the lethal actions by his fellow officers.

“officers are authorized to stop a threat whenever their life is threatened, or the life of another is threatened,” recited Gwynn. “And at that point if the officer feels he is justified, he may act to stop that threat.”

Note, once again, how Gwynn scrupulously avoids the use of descriptive language acknowledging that one of his comrades just killed another human being.

Police are trained and encouraged to perceive the public at large to be a “threat” to “officer safety”; one illustration of this is the fact that as Gwynn spoke to the reporter in an otherwise placid neighborhood he was wearing body armor beneath his polo shirt.

In a situation involving a potentially suicidal person, the formula regurgitated by Detective Gwynn would justify pre-emptive execution of the “subject,” who is, after all, threatening to kill someone.


That's a nice sentiment, but things don't always work out cleanly in reality.

was in the same situation and went through a few psychiatrists over the course of 6-7 months. they call psychiatrists quacks for a reason. got me to switch from weed to an array of sleeping and depression/anxiety meds which had some gnarly side effects which ive since stopped. they were patronizing. they use the same old stereotypical tropes trying to link every negative thought to some non existent childhood event. and I was never told anything i didnt know already. what i find works is meditation/self reflection. deep down everyone already knows what they need to do to lead a good life its just a matter of getting it done. its hard to get a large rock rolling but once you do it keeps moving. it gets easier start by cleaning your room

> source
> filmingcops.com

come on now. SWAT teams do not show up when you call the suicide hotline.

Here you go, you lazy fuck.




I always feel like id be better off dead, but only on the bad days, or when something happens do i seriously start to make plans.

I don't know how to explain it but thats pretty much it.

also is taking a family member with me a problem? like my dad or something ? im 19 so it might look weird but i find it's easier to face my anxiety if he is there

Remember when you spread this trash and have no understanding of the topic at hand, you are are possibly talking away from someones health and future.

One case of suicide by cop does not take away from the benefits of going for help when needed. I might be a lazy fuck for not researching your bullshit story, but you are a dumb and self-serving fuck for being so obtuse

Bring family if it will help you. Talk to your family. Explain your feelings. Its not something you have to face alone.

>I might be a lazy fuck

Don't forget arrogant and not very bright. You're both of those things, too.

Nobody discouraged OP from seeking help. Improve your literacy before posting again.

Go to a regular doctor, tell them about your symptoms and how they affect your life and they will try to help you.

You're a joke kid.
Dont offer help to anyone you care about, it might hurt them

>Police are trained and encouraged to perceive the public at large to be a “threat” to “officer safety”
fucking pigs