I've been telling people recently that ledger Joker is overhyped and nobody would put the performance on a pedestal if...

I've been telling people recently that ledger Joker is overhyped and nobody would put the performance on a pedestal if not for the Cobain effect.

Recently I went back and rewatched it and, holy shit, he really is that good in this movie. How did a two bit actor like ledger go from shit like a Knight's Tale to this? Where did he find it in him? His Joker is legitimately scary and unsettling
>this is how craaaazy batman's made gotham

I mean, the whole movie is structured around the Joker, which is why the pacing sucks.
>Joker does x, heroes react

He even puts bale to shame in this movie. Where did it come from?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stopped reading reading there

The Ledger Joker is legitimately one of the best performances this century.

You're either a contrarian or a bad judge of talent.

a knights tale was good

shut the fuck up b8

You stopped reading a long time ago.

It was seven years between Knight's Tale and TDK. Ledger was a legitmately good actor.

next educate yourself on the nirvana discog you fag

Heath Ledger was always magnetic in his personality. You just didn't realize it because you had this idea that he was just some heartthrob. His Joker is serious academy award material. No one's ever done that with a comic book character.

Watch Brokeback Mountain and Candy and you'll see how rich Heath Ledger's work is. It's a real treat that Nolan and him agreed to create his Joker.

He's been beaten.

>I've been telling people recently that ledger Joker is overhyped and nobody would put the performance on a pedestal if not for the Cobain effect.

So you spouted memes to try and sound smart, then got a look at your own bullshit when your own, actual opinion reared around and slapped you in the face? Good.

And yes, Ledger was fantastic. The video he made where he questioned and killed the Batman cosplay faggot vigilante was the best scene in the movie.

>tell me, are you the Batman?
>look at me

God he made Leto look like shit. Leto's Joker was just there. Ledger's joker was like "oh god, we need to stop this man".


He's pretty much flawless in this movie and it never comes across as insincere. He came across as an unstoppable force.

This post is poorly paced


Just show this scene to any contrarian. Ledger is the definitive Joker.

so you're just a stupid fuck who should have killed themselves years ago? What a thread.

Wait, did he just jump into a bus full of civilians and reporters at the end?

lmao wtf

Is it true that JJL still does German scat-rape fake-snuff porn on the side?

I know that's how she got True Romance and Heathers, but I heard she just does it for free now.

Hurtful rumor or yet another reason to like the greatest "actress" of our time?

Did no one else watch his performance in Ned Kelly? He was always a good actor to be quite honest

Yes if it wasn't for Ledger, TDK would be so mediocre. A shame that Bale sucked in this movie yet he was so great in Batman Begins.

I take it TDK was purposely written to entierely evolve around Joker and not Batman hence Bale hardly had anything good to stand out

I can't believe it's been 8 years since this came out, pretty sure opening night was the first time I posted on Sup Forums.

The only time capeshit has ever been elevated above capeshit (if only slightly).

relevant youtube.com/watch?v=pFUKeD3FJm8

Most people praised Ledger's performance before he died.

Bleach is the only good album.

The reveal of the joker was a month or so before Ledger died and everyone was amazed by his transformation while Ledger was still alive.

The tragedy is that after a short career of playing the exact same shit pretty boy characters Ledger died before the film that showed he could completely change himself was released but not before people could see that it was going to make him a superstar.

What I'm saying OP is you're a fucking retard the likes of which claim TDK made so much money simply because of Ledgers death then ignore the fact that TDKR despite getting hate on still made more.

You're a fucking retard and you've only now caught on to a level of idiocy others had moved on from years ago.

Reevaluate your life.


>I'm a contrarian
>I realize the error in my ways and that something I blindly said was bad is actually really good
>I still fail to grasp the movie

Nice thread OP

It's not like he was super old or anything at the time. Most of the actors we see finally start making a name for themselves are like mid 30s or some shit.

Remember, that's the bus with the TV reporter on it that he takes hostage.

Why does the joker attract such a weird following?

>I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you.... stranger

I honest to God believe that this one line was the catalyst that led to all those edgy kids going to hot topic and putting on the face paint

The joker character is a response to the problem of how to live one's life in a meaningless universe, as is Batman. Batman responds by creating his own meaning, the Joker abandons meaning and morality entirely and attempts to corrupt it in others.

The Joker's approach tends to resonate with lonely and depressed people, and often those that are misanthropic or socially inept.

The joker character is a response to the problem of how to live one's life in a meaningless universe, as is Batman. Batman responds by creating his own meaning, the Joker abandons meaning and morality entirely and attempts to corrupt it in others.

The Joker's approach tends to resonate with lonely and depressed people, and often those that are misanthropic or socially inept.

People forget Ledger was still alive when the first trailer was released.

I still remember the reaction. There were some who were actually in denial that voice was really Heath.

Nice dubs

>serbian subtitles

I remember when the movie came out Sup Forums loved it , there was even a sticky for it then right when people started liking it Sup Forums turned on it and started shitting on Nolan.
Glad to see this movie getting love on Sup Forums again.

>I've been telling people recently that ledger Joker is overhyped and nobody would put the performance on a pedestal if not for the Cobain effect.

i thought it was incredible long before I'd heard that he died.

Yeah it's overrated. Literally a meme performance. *lips licks profusely* No different to Jared Leto's interpretation performance wise.

bleach is the only good album
pablo honey is the only good album
jackie brown is the only good album
tweez is the only good album

kys you dumb faggot



>two bit actor
>was literally nominated for an Oscar before this

You're even stupider than I thought.

Because ledger wasn't a two-bit actor you pleb, he was always good.

He was great in the patriot, and he was fine in a knights tale.

For the record, the TDK is an ok movie, but not great, but ledger was great, bale was always a subpar batman

As in a state of being devoid of needs and necessities, in this case it works as an interjection
As in greeting a person, sort of informal
As in a person whose physical appearance is a delight to witness.
All together we can say that he used an interjection and then greeted a woman he found pretty.

Holy shit you people are all fucking faggots. Nothing can be just "alright" anymore, it's either EHRMAHGOD BEST PERFORMANCE EVER IN THE CENDURY HE SHOULD WIN ALL OSCARD :D or WORST FUCKING SHIT LEDGER SHOULD KILL HIMSELF >:(

I'm really getting sick of this shit. Ledger was good, but let's be honest, there were definitely some bad moments in his performance, and overall it lacked nuance. If you honestly think this is the best performance in the century than you're not only a bad judge of talent but you're a pleb who desperately needs to watch more films.

I cried watching brokeback mountain. Not even a puff. But that scene with the shirt got me bad

>definitely some bad moment in his performance, and overall lack nuance.
Would you like to be more specific, because I completely disagree and one of the main praises his performance got was how much nuance there was.

I hate Christopher Nolan so fucking much

>literally the only time Joker yells in the entire movie

holy fuck i forgot about this part

why, faggot?