Good morning Goyim's

Good morning Goyim's

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Good morning Shlomo. Did you sleep well?

Had a nightmare of the 6 gorrilan.

Dawww. Are you okay?

Morning. Hope we weren't too hard on you for that whole muslim mayor thing.

get the fuck out

Oy Vey I'm not, I need to remind the Goyim of the Holohoa... I mean Holocaust.

YOU HAVE TO GO BACK (to israel)

Good morning

What are you on about? diversity is good diversity is a strength.

Top of day to you


Hello fellow White American!

If only we had a real enemy we could fight face to face, a true adversary.
Instead we are stuck with these weak, shady fools.
Drat...I suppose it's time we use our minds instead of our bodies to do the fighting this time....
What if we simply gave a plot of land to the Natives so they can fuck off about colonization and all degenerates can have a paradise to fuck off too?

Jews are easy to trick, they are easy source of income. Scamming jews have made my life much easier.

How did you do it user? Did you confront them with superior intelligence directly? Or did you actually trick them out of money?

Goyim is already plural.

One goy
Two goyim

There is no need for an "s" you retard.

Go back to bed


Not to mention, even if the "s" was needed, the apostrophe would be incorrect since "goyim" is not a proper noun.

1:40 am here.
Watching Deadliest Catch.
Have to work tomorrow so I can pay my taxes to the goyim.

Jews are always looking for money, you have to act like a fool and let them think you are easy pray. This is when they let their guard down, after this you just have to unleash your lack of social aptitudes, the jew will be confused and enraged. Nevertheless Jew will still want to negotiate, in their enraged or dumb state they start to make mistakes. This method is pretty good for auctions, many jews come to those, you can figure out how cheap is your local jew. After this you keep tab of the jews offers, jews like easy cash so try to get a below table deal before an auction starts. Jews never lose money that is their golden rule, Jews will greed for only one cent, so you keep that one cent as your biggest bargaining chip. Jews don't play risks, you have to make the Jew afraid of big profits, and offer him safer profit choices. You eat the dinner plate while the Jew eats the scraps. Panama merchants are all Jews or Chinese, their safeness is what makes them dominate the Mall market and auctions, but all top Chains and Groups are owned by Mestizos who know how to control risks.

Where will USA take you today?

An amazing video by our leader Wayne Lambright.