Schizophrenia thread start!

Schizophrenia thread start!

This is now a get thread

Which one of yourselves posted this?



>implying schizophrenia involves multiple personalities.

This is why I don't tell people I'm schizo. They instantly assume things about you and won't let you differ their opinions because "you're crazy"



when I smoke weed, I have a week-long hangover which clutters my thoughts and disorients my speech. is this schizophrenia?


Studies have shown that excess use of marijuana is linked to bringing underlying psychological disorders to the surface. As a result of THC releasing excess dopamine in your brain, it may be the case.

Hello from the other side

Shadow people visited here

hello humanz

you're crazy

Any stories? Things felt/seen? Sometimes my perception feels like I'm inside of a subwoofer, with my surroundings "wub wub wub"ing against the inside of my eyes

no u

I'm still connected to the internet. Mentally.

Explain, you crazy mother fucker

Picture related

I hear voices in my head.

So tell me what it's like to see people who aren't there. Can they touch you or you touch them. I know they like to scream a lot.

I define myself to be not schizophrenic.

What do they say to you? I only hear constant music in my head

better not to know

They tell me me news from astral

I see U

My dads a schizophrenic artist

mOAr ?

Schizo-socio here. Life is interesting, and i want to take advantaGe of it. But certain doubts/contradictions of personalities get in the way of my visions. Any motivation out There ??

Those numbers.

one of my good girl friends dated a guy and he beat her and got her MORE hooked on blowcaine.

they broke up month ago, she was light again, a month went by, I had a dream that I BEAT THE SHIT OUT of my GoDoD friend. it was fucked, didn't feel like me at all in the dream. I find out a week after my dream that they get back togethehr a week after i had that dream.

Does this Mean anyThing? asking for a ffriend

lol 7 is my lucky number

Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

These are only his black and white prints, the originals are meticulously colored in by hand.

inb4 404

i can imagine it now: party scene, but the wife is pissed. crop her out of the picture, colour it and i'd buy that

Here's one in color