Why is every country subject to banter or racism except Australia?

Why is every country subject to banter or racism except Australia?

Why is Australia immune to banter?

>hasn't been in /brit/

just try, jamarcus

Don't they get called Chinese all the time?

Nature banters them for us

what about emus and slow internet ?

File sizes over 800KB are how you banter Australians.

but they don't get as triggered as leafs for some reason. leafs are naturally nice guys and cucks



Unlike burgers or bongs, we aren't cripplingly insecure of things like "race" or "identity" so it doesn't really matter. Unlike most of the insults, and let's be honest, that's what they are, thrown at other countries are deeply based in reality and the reason why is pisses anons off. Now compare it to the flack Australia cops: strawmen based on Hollywood cinema from the 80s and 90s; taking quirky wikipedia pages and playing with the headings while ignoring the facts; and far-fetched references towards Chinese immigration, which is based on numbers that do not exist in reality.
We make fun of that shit ourselves because their very concepts are so wildly out of touch with reality the disconnect shows just how little most of the world actually knows about Australia and the juxtaposition of the stereotype and real world affairs is, well, humorous.

Also, it's not like most of us can afford to get involved in lengthy fiddlesticks over the wire because the data is too expensive. I'd wager a good 90% of "Australians" you see sperging out on boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums are probably Paki proxies roleplaying as "Aussies", from /brit/.

Because Australia IS banter.

Jokes on you I squint at the thumbnails.

not gonna stroke their fucking ego about being immune to "banter". I just think nothing triggers them because they have it better than anyone else. what's there to banter them about? You can find flaws in any country but I can't seem to find a single one for aussies. Sure you can call them Chinese or whatever but evens that a stretch since they're like 90% white anyway or something

Thanks Jamal

If it wasn't for the wildlife, Australia would probably be the best country in the world in terms of living standards so it's harder to pick faults


Most of our flaws are just kind of hard to make funny. To much land, not enough water, dependence on the Chinese economy. They're just kind of boring mundane problems. The closest you could get would be bogans but you don't see to much of them and they are overshadowed by American rednecks.

Jokes on you, only browns in your cunt.

Australians are banted by life
>be Aussie
>half abbo so you look like an ogre
>1mb screenshot is opening half an hour, decide to take a stroll in the meantime
>get bit in the dick by a nasty spoidah
>your girlfriend Stacey says it's ok it's not like he felt your dick anyway
>have tiny asian cock because you got Khan'd
>walk into your girlfriend being fucked by kangaroo
>with tears in your eyes go back home and check out what that picture is, perhaps it's at least something funny to ease your pain
>it's just a picture of Steve Irvin being rekt by stingray

>be aussie
>get EMU'd

Fuck off Slovenian cunt

T. Tasmania

Have you seen how they react to the piss in kiss meme? They react to banter some of the worst on this board.