When will we nuke africa, china, india.. and finland?

when will we nuke africa, china, india.. and finland?

I want to like India because it's a beautiful country with great monuments unlike Ch*na, but their very large population prevent me to like it. Indian population should be divided by 3.

Right after the Netherlands.

It's slowing down. Keep developing them and decreasing child mortality and promoting women's rights and they'll drop to sustainable rates.

india is a filthy shithole too

yeah.. such a great country with designated shitting streets and a river more disgusting than our sewer water

most of them are retarded subhumans

I wish it was possible. 70% live in poverty, and literally only 1% pay taxes.
I feel that you can safely divide by 100 and nothing of value will be lost.

> muh overpopulation
Meanwhile there are 1.3 bn whites in the world
> but but we're not concentrated in one country
Then give us your countries if you're so concerned.otherwise shut the fuck up

how will whites ever recover ?

Take the usa, it should be nuked anyway

subhuman logic

fuck off we're not going to feed all of you
Besides India's growth has stagnated.

But this happens allover the world. Only a complete idiot would think it can't work in certain regions of the world for no reason.

if you can bring your people out of poverty and get them to become educated individuals, you can have your 1b+ people.

hmmmm they are ok

when you'll invent nuke

I don't like finland

Then stop bitching, and let them do that. India has, historically speaking, a more consistent record of stability, wealth and philosophical output than the western world.

indian shitskins are subhumans and would die out without whites

nice one


Beware dem dutch nukes.



you wouldnt laugh irl because you stinky shitskins value light skin a lot

No one here wants pink skin, though.

>No one here wants pink skin, though.
And nobody in Greece wants to get 1 billion € for free.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud

sure not the smell of your fucking people

"I am greek" said the roach.