Hey 4 chan what youtubers do absolutely hate I will start with this fatass

Hey 4 chan what youtubers do absolutely hate I will start with this fatass

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Fuck off Joey is GOAT

Love me some joey no salad

Fuck off fag Joey rules

same bro

Shut the hell up joey rules



Kill yourself immediately, you deneracy supporting pile of pig shit.

I don't have the time to sit around and hate people.

If I don't like their stuff, I skip it and watch somebody else's stuff.

I only watch music videos on YouTube, so I don't hate anybody for posting their personal content. That's time wasted I could spend listening to some tunes.

Why does anybody care about anything


Fuck off papa keemstar is great

I hate Leafy so fuckin hard

>unironically hating keemstar

Fucking faggot. Keemstar is god.

Leafy rules fuck keemstar fucking gnome

Is that the cunt who taste tests stuff? If it is then count me in, i fuckin hate that fat cunt too.

This pandering faggot.

Though it's probably nice to have a bunch of low self esteem 16 year old girls on your nuts.

Yes it is that guy

This fag here fuck him and his content

"Wots op goys! Sewf loathing click bait cansuh heuh"

Amen, lad. Overrated dipshit.

I pretty much hate anyone who would purposfully VLog their lives.

This cunt

You can just out right go fuck yourself and die

That midget Roy William Johnson. sxphil clone just worse.

I love Mathew Santoro! Hi Jeebs, I'm from Manatawkee Minnesota and I also eat cheese thick-os on every swing fish ballet I come across (no lie). I also love MS as he used to be known as Satan165 back in the Bizarro days of minuteman fiction.

It's not his fault you're a faggot who likes watching liberals like this dick and boogie



>trying this hard
Would you like to give me another (you)?
I would like to masturbate properly to your sad attempts at trolling.


this image of Pyro is unacceptable, please remove it at once young lad

Hey op you're forgetting that almost everyone on this site are fat ass losers, just like joey

Your one of them faggot