What is the difference between sex and gender and why does gender matter when you have sex?

What is the difference between sex and gender and why does gender matter when you have sex?
(Picture, if you couldn't tell, is unrelated.)

But the picture is more interesting than your liberal studies question. I want more of the picture.

Sex is whether you have a dick or a pussy (or both.)
Gender is... well, um... complicated. In my eyes, it's whether you have a male or female brain. They're different, see, and when somebody is born with a vagina and a male brain, they feel off (transgender-ism.) This makes them uncomfortable being called a girl in the same way you would feel uncomfortable being called the opposite of your sex/gender, user. Oversimplification, of course.

I think the picture is very related.
>all of you that think there are more than 2 genders, get in the box

found the liberal asshat


Isn't that just called Autism?


Fuck that noise. Post more cats.




really? Calling you an asshat is edgy?
You're quite the penis wrinkle

>Gender is... well, um... complicated.

Stopped reading there.


Use a dictionary.


Sex and gender are the same thing.

The gender conundrum right now stems from the "born in the wrong generation" faggots pretending we're in the 1800's, when gender was identified by the activities you performed in accordance to the progression of mankind. Women kept quiet, doing housework, child-raising, and serving men, whereas men did what men did. First wave feminism fought that, and that's a great thing, but it basically led to female suffrage so along came second wave feminism from WW2 to the end of the Cold War, fighting social inequalities and quite frankly succeeding in eradicating significant sexism. Third wave feminism, the mess we're in now, thinks that the problems the first two waves fought still exist, which they do, but it's just beating a dead horse. Pretending gender is still defined by how you cook and clean is basically idiocy at it's simplest. Science has hopped into the driver's seat and you should stop being stupid.

there is no difference. none. zero. nada. zilch. humans are mammals, so sex denotes either male or female (intersex aka hermaphrodite is a genetic defect, it is not a "3rd sex", 1 sex will always be more dominant). the word gender denotes exactly the same thing, it has simply been twisted by idiots to fit their idiotic delusions. your gender is not fluid, that is simply impossible. you are simply delusional if you claim it does. if you have XX chromosomes you are a female, if you have XY chromosomes you are a male. simple as that. you will then no doubt hear spergs cry "but what about intersex people!". well, intersex people can have XX, XY or both chromosomes, the difference is they are sterile and therefore unable to reproduce.

trans people are different as it is a mental disorder (with usually body dysmorphia). buck angel, born a girl, now a man. with a vagina. no, she is a girl who has taken a fuckload of testosterone in order to morph her body into that of a male. blair white, a boy who took a lot of estrogen to morph their male body into that of a female. hormones are magical, but they do not turn you from 1 sex into another. the simply morph you into a more male/female version of yourself. the underlying genetics stay the same. assuming buck angel tubes produced eggs you could fuck her and get her pregnant. you could fuck blair white in the ass all day long and he'd never get pregnant. so there are only 2 sexes/genders. simples.

there are only 2 sexes: male and female.
there are only 2 genders: male and female.

Well shit, a sensible truthful answer on Sup Forums? What a day. What a day.


I understand that their are only male and female, but I don't understand the idea of having both sex and gender if they do show the same thing. Transgender people allow the idea of gender being malleable, so they can identify as the one that suits them best. So I want to know why do both exist.