Rate my new penis

Rate my new penis.

It looks like it's sad..

It's not exactly appealing but I still wanna fuck it.

I've said about most women I've slept with

What happened to your old one? And your legs and shit

Well, it could be worse. You look like you've been in an accident of some sort. At least you're still kicking.

Did the old one quit?

>Wanting to be male
>Not asking the doctor for a 30 inch dick.

Guess you have a female brain after all.

it's a sex reassignment surgery.
It was a "she", they took some skin from "her" foot and made a fake dick. You can google female to male sex change

Is this Bruce Jenners benis?

Looks great 8/10, are you comfortable with sharing why you need a new one? Are you trans, maybe?

Underrated post

That's a pretty good feminine penis.

Wanna suck it?

Not user, but at this point yes

time stamp?

This Thread has been here before children

we know

Jesus that color is unsettling. Did you steal that from a grave?

Take it in your ass.

Congratulations on mutilating yourself, and now having a useless limb. You can't have normal sex with it, or urinate standing up like a real man. You can't do anything with it.

Can it even get hard without a bicycle pump?