Why aren't you a feminist?

Why aren't you a feminist?

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because that would be sexist

Because it ruined my friendship with a close friend who went full man hating SJW.


Because I'm male.

because i prefeer to fuck them

Because I don't think we live in a patriarchy and womens have all the rights

i am

Because why should I worry about sexist cunts cant even make rational decisions 2/3s of their life? Always so incompetent with excuses like "I couldn't have made a sound decision" right after bitching because she doesn't get to "make decisions" get over yourself females. Get back on your knees where you belong. And feed the damn dog while your down there.

Feminism is the desire for equal rights for just women.
If these people had any kind of morals, they'd be egalitarian.

Because I hate niggers and sometimes niggers are women.

>Why aren't you a feminist?

I don't know op, why do you come to Sup Forums every day and post the same picture of that obnoxious little fucking girl and ask us why we aren't feminists? Who the fuck knows why? Why should we care at this point op? Answer my fucking questions for once you cheeky little baiting cunt

Because I have officially attained wizard status and, upon realizing that sex is beyond my reach, have realized that there is no reason to continue pandering to women.

Because im not

dont want cancer

Fuck you op. Go bother Sup Forums or some board that would actually give a shit about your constant shitposting that's blatantly fucking obvious. Get a life you fat fucking nigger

She's an 18yo woman though. You're the reason feminism is so strong.

Because I actually took a couple gender studies classes in college.

because op is a faggot

i will if get her hand in marriage

Because I'm a patriarchal illuminati

That's the fucking girl from Dog With a Blog from Disney channel please for the love of all that is left on Sup Forums stop fucking shitposting your stupid "haha I'm gonna bait Sup Forums today with feminism" bullshit every day. Everybody already knows this thread is bait and you're just here to try to make someone believe you're actually a feminist you summerfag fuck



Guy looks like he cries into his fap sock every day

>She's an 18yo
g-got any lewds?

Women are the only "oppressed" group in history that are better educated, live longer, and have better outcomes from the legal system than their "oppressors"

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the women sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.


Valid point user but please stop taking this guy's bait. He posts here everyday asking the same shit with the same photo and everything.

because women are property, how can they have rights...

This is why we need feminism.

Because Equalism is infinitely more viable.

>Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy

This just isn't true. Feminism is literally focused on gender equality.

What matters now is her fight for equality. I love her btw.

nigga, im turning 20 very soon and it's hard to find a legal date. any guy in my position would be the same.
also, i watched the dog with the blog and thought she was hot and glad i wouldn't be called a pedo when i learned of her age

because its a supremacist ideology based on flawed idea just stated whole cloth by a biggot decades ago. If it ever served a purpose its long done, now its just perpetual complaining about ever smaller and more imagined slights.

God damnit. Well just get someone else to fall for this shit I'm out, also someone turn this into a Spiderman thread please.

It's normally call egalitarianism

dog with the blog?

>>talks about 3rd wave feminism
>rebuttal with 1st wave fem mindset
get with the times

Just in case you're not trolling

Because of this live stream

Gotta boil things down for the unwashed masses.

disneychannel disney com/dog-with-a-blog/blog
Disney channel show

Yeah, tell me about it. I have yet to get a girlfriend. Too bad she is in a relationship.


Fucking great times.

Until the so-called "True Feminists" can publicly call out and shame the "Not really feminists" for bullshit like Antifa and #KillAllMen, and do so as a verifiable trend, rather than a one-off token effort, THEN I might consider what the movement is talking about.

Until then, all you psychos count as one. and your most extreme are batshit insane and want to hurt/destroy people.

While it might sound good on paper, not good in practicality

I'm so sorry you haven't grown out of your edgy phase. All the best.

>I have yet to get a girlfriend
in your life? i had a couple of GFs junior year of high, but after that my luck dropped off

Again, nice try op. I'm not a complete retard.

I'm just no good with girls. You have to look like a real man to even get one.

Egalitarianism is bullshit and inevitably discriminates against those that do more.

But you do think she's a qt don't you?

Because stupid people stick to titles and not constructive ideas. If a woman needs to bash a gender to prove something then they can fuck off. Have an idea have a conversation but fuck off with your emotions. This is something men have learned in the past 40k years. The universe does not give a fuck about how you feel. Have a point or shut the fick up.

If you can do more than most people, it isn't because you're better.

It's because your more fortunate.

Not really. I'm more of a pale black haired type. But I mean if she's your cup of tea, op, whatever pleases you.

Because to a feminist, it's impossible to be human when you have white male privilege.

i've been told i'd be an 8/10 if i bulk up; but they never said what i am as is.
I get girls by the playful joking i obtained from crippling depression, so i believe in you, user

Im jew i think its enough

I guess I just couldn't care less about a movement that focuses on oppressing men. People might as well join the KKK.

A true hero

Not always. And what about those who are born with all the odds against them, and then rise to the top?

And also someone having more to start meant some better people (cunning, smart, harder working) gave them that, and those people have a right to ensure their line gets an advantage if the wish to give it to them.

Saying that women dont have as many rights as man is like youre saying op is not a faggot

You're not seeing the other pics of him fleeing for his life only to fail and get the living shit kicked out of him.


He was sacrificing for MANkind.

That makes him a bigger hero he was before.
Thx for the info

bcs wymyn r cunts

Because feminists try to accomplish equality not by making themselves great, but rather by bringing the rest down. Because to be equal, there simply has to be no group better than another, so they can achieve their goal by doing this. It will be for the worse of humanity, though, and that's why I don't agree with it.


Pretty much this. I believe in equality.

I am. I don't see what the big deal is with equality. We're all humans, you're not better than any one else because of your race or gender. Get the fk over yourself.

No need for it in the modern world. Go to Saudi Arabia and protest them. You have all you could want here.


cuz i dont have a dumb name, that i have to abbreviate

Because women live longer, fewer live in jail, their lives are better, they aren't in pain constantly from work, they enjoy comfy lives...

People are telling horrible jokes on this stream

They live longer cause they don't die in was and at the work place.

Because i'm not a cunt.


whats the difference between a feminist and a gun?

a gun only has one trigger

Some kid is streaming on his last day of school




I kekd for the pic.

Here, have a Sombra as Excgange, im gonna save your one

Because joining cults isn't what I do.

Your posting a good looking, thin woman in a feminist thread?

This gonna be good

In a positive way I like to think men are armor/weapons that women can wear/use. I think of kill la kill a little, bit thats just a silly show. I'm talking about how humanity is a single organism: men are the hard durable part who's main duty is to protect and provide while women are the softer insides which produce offspring. This shit is older than the Bible. It's humanity since before we were monkeys.

In regards to your pic, trust me, anyone with any shred of insight can see through it.

I'll just leave this here...
/mic drop


Bit* and *whose. I need to sleep

I agree with the spirit of your post in some ways, but that specific example highlights an evolved and almost sacred appreciation of the mother and child dyad. I believe part of the value of normal gender roles is that men and women have different functions, and part of men's function is to FUCKING PROTECT AND SERVE that mother-child dyad. It is literally the crux of our survival as a species, and is therefore something to be considered precious and worth sacrificing for.

Aside from child birth their lives are infinitely easier than men's.

I'm sane.

because feminism is only preached by and for the already privileged, overlooking the actually oppressed

Feminism is essentially glorified Cartesianism, it promotes the idea that the body and mind are two separate entities and the former has no effect on the latter. It's outdated by like 200 years.

Why are feminists always upper middle class white women with no real hardship in their life?

Don't need it, I treat men and women just as badly.