Post your Sr and your main in overwatch

Post your Sr and your main in overwatch

A main? Just play whatever character your team needs.


going to stop playing after the next patch


>whatever is required
still the ones i play the best with are genji, pharah, mccree or zenyatta.


People still play this baby made shit tier stuff?

yea that's one thing that annoys me. Changing character stats is practically a sin I don't even main roadhog , but i feel it's a sin

what do you play fag boy?

3889. I've been told I could hit Grandmaster but competitive is too stressful for me.
Mercy main.
I just like healing in all games and Mercy is the closest to traditional healing.

i'm casually competitive
close to 1700 SR
Reinheart, Lucio, junkrat, torb, bastion

>play all equally, except genji

I know, i'm a fucking faggot


Lourie? that u?


Mercy main.

3550 Zarya


This is the only true path to enlightenment

how do i get gud?

learn the maps and map strategies, get a good team, communicate with the team, play every day

oh and play the highest teir characters

Dude roadhog is going to be so much better after the patch. Smaller head hitbox, faster fire rate and an extra shot.
>But muh damage, it's literally unplayable now
Fuck off

too bad this person named laurie that i like is really good at OW and is a mercy main

1918 Ana

SR 3125

3764 Ana

You sound really thirsty, I feel bad for this Laurie person.

>Tfw you still suck even tho you started playing since day one

Gold is literally average.

2700 soldier 76

I only play Paladins.

But i don't like it, so i don't play it.

Now i only play League of Legends.

But i don't like it, so i only play Paragon.

Platinum is average. Gold and below are complete shit at the game


peak 4400
current 4222
was zarya for peak, now dva/ana

when taken, winston

Exclusively play battle mercy


Reaper/Junk(def), D.VA if tank is needed.

2000 last season.

No more comp for me. Cant get higher, suck to much.

Don't play DPS if you fuckn suck at DPS. Play tanks and use a good mixture of offensive and defensive. Most importantly, if there's an all out Brawl, you gotta prioritize targets. Even if Winston is half-health, you need to find and kill Mercy first.

average is actually like mid gold ~2300

roadhog and soldier

827 mein, just started

If you don't main lucio you don't enjoy this game

Current sr or top sr? I keep dropping cause of teammates.

Casual game is casual. Same as league of legends.

Plat is average if you look at sites like Overbuff and Masteroverwatch.

Jeff (or someone of Blizz) posted on the forums, I think it was at the end of Season 3 what the actual averages were. Gold was average.

It surprised everyone.

I recommend playing to your strengths like I suck at solo dps so I'll play zen to support tanks and help others secure kills and shit because I suck at solo killing people just find out when you are playing what your team needs and play the best to help the better people win better lol

I either really hate or love players like you, instalockers are almost always shit at what they insta lock but if they know their shit then it's fine

Otherwise, 3997

I flex all other heroes if necessary except for widow/genji/hanzo/reinhardt

2882 Lucio/Reinhardt

Are you still stuck in season 3 and 4?
Are you still living the dream of the 20dmg per bullet soldier :^)?
Are still gonna main hog post-patch?

Let's see how everyone will cry after blizz passes the mccree and reaper changes

I usually stick around Zarya and McCree. 2025. I don't play much comp anymore. Used to be in Plat when I would go full tryhard.

The highest i've reached is like 2100, but last season i went on a massive losing streak and dropped 900 points, like no matter how well or how poorly i played i just never won and I cant figure out what i need to improve on. seems like whenever i play dps I try and go for priority targets but tanks dont position well and healers dont know what theyre doing, whenever im tank no one follows up or stays behind me if im playing a shield tank, and whenever i heal i can usually keep people alive but they never kill anyone or push for objectives. maybe my biggest problem is that i dont talk in chat? idk. I'm not a great player by any means but i really dont think im so garbage that i should drop to like 1500 in any season

Did shit In my placement matches
But I'm pretty sure my hook average is about 57%

masteroverwatch shows average being like 2300 which is mid gold i think

At the end of the day you play for fun though, if instalockers have fun in playing the thing they instalock then what's the problem?
For competitive I understand, but I really only play Quick Play after placements and such.

If you're not communicating then stop trying and don't play comp. Rule of thumb: loose more than 3 matches in a row? stop comp for the day
More gold trash talk, placements don't matter (barely), new season placement SR is 99% based on your last season's final SR
It will always place you a bit below that so you can climb a bit and feel better aboht yourself

Also, being a one trick will get you nowhere know that there will almost always be someone better at your main than you on your team
That's fine qp is mostly practice/memeing fun etc... But for example if you're a 100% pharah exclusive player and the enemy has a widow and McCree that can aim then pls leave the game (classic comp scenario)

Not maining Lucio but if you know how to play him, you can bring great value to your team


4000 sr
Tracer, Ana and Zarya

Well, 4016 spefcifically

Even if your team sucks, there is more you can do. Focus on you.

I won 11 out of 11 games on my friend's account in 2300. At your elo, a diamond player could win if their entire team was made of target dummies. Yes, your team can do better, but so can you, and you can't help your team improve.

Mercy / Ana

2540, but starting to play Rein a lot now.

I also like to play as Pharah if I want to relax a bit.

>i dont play comp


my top played characters are

~4100 widow/flex