It's time for a civil war everyone. Let it be known that the left started it

It's time for a civil war everyone. Let it be known that the left started it

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This man is an American hero, finally taking the fight to the Russians and their partners, the Republicans.

White people are so angry that this is how they react.

It must be hard being that stupid

Conservatives brought this onto this country. They accepted hacked election results while looking the other way, because it was 'their guy'. They are attempting to rid the country of all people of color, and who are not heteros. They are pushing white supremacy, and hate. They brought this on themselves.

Enjoy being on the 'no fly' list faggots.

He is doing gods work, republicucks are a sameful plague on this country.

Who will be our hero to introduce this cunt to a face full of buckshot?

>Schizo sperg who can't even kill a single person
>le civil war

You guys really marry your fact-free conspiracy theories, huh?

He should have saved it for the carrot tbh

I've yet to actually see anything relating to the russians and the election without seeing it written as such: "The russians heavily influenced the election..." there is never any indication of how. We all know the russians hacked the DNC. They also attempted to hack the RNC but couldn't get in. Course idiots assume "heavily influenced" means "They rigged the elections!"

I live in a state where everything is 100% paper ballots still. The best form of election. Can't hack it. Course things can be miscounted, but anything that relies 100% on electronic technology is just foolish. The only networked form of balloting should be the information posted on websites. Not the counting, not the voting. Just the reporting.

Course a civil war I think would do the world good. More like WW3. I feel that would be such a quick and sudden end to current civilization that humanity would be able to restart. Sure it'll be full of turmoil, hardship, and death. Sure, I rightly assume I wouldn't survive. However, I think it would probably be best for humanity as a whole in the long run.

At least she's a patriot, unlike the Republicans.

CNN: "The gunman is a crazed Seth Rich conspiracy theorist"

its time

Don't use word/phrases you don't know

Every week the news gets worse. And now this week it looks like the Russians actually did affect vote counts in some states, and attempted to hack voting systems in something like 35 states.

We should have a strong policy of containment on the Russians because of this on the level of the Cold War. Instead the Republicans are taking donations from the Russians for their campagins.

>Course a civil war I think would do the world good. More like WW3. I feel that would be such a quick and sudden end to current civilization that humanity would be able to restart. Sure it'll be full of turmoil, hardship, and death. Sure, I rightly assume I wouldn't survive. However, I think it would probably be best for humanity as a whole in the long run.

Man I'm tired of this rhetoric. It's the lazy man's pipe dream. Yeah, instead of trying to actually improve things, let's just make everything worse, then it'll be good. Makes no sense.

>Reverting to the stone age is a good thing
No, no it isn't

Civil war 2.0 will last a week tops.
>pissed off gun owners
>a bunch of fruity asses swinging bongs and dildos
Nevermind,that shit will be over in a few hours. 50 shots and no kills confirms that.

Yeah and the best conspiracy theories have plenty of facts in them, just a lie or two that swings the conclusion.

>I think it would probably be best for humanity as a whole in the long run

In the long run, humanity is doomed. Our fate is tied to that of the universe, and the universe will eventually become cold and devoid of life.

Actually man has created such a demand on the earth, letting 95% population die off might be better for our species. Just saying.

Holy shit! This guy is from my hometown?!!? They walk among us, people.

Russians did in fact breach 6 states, and it is highly likely that vote counts were effected.

These states were FL, GA, NC, PA, MI, and WI. Funny how Trump won all 6 of these. Even some republicans like John McCain agree that this is very disturbing evidence.

There's no evidence that Russia even tried to hack the party committees. The DNC was exposed by insiders as hideously corrupt and having rigged the primary. Russia's supposed role in the election is entirely fictional. Thank Seth Rich's conscience and John Podesta's stupidity for the DNC leaks, not Putin.

Sauce? Or are you just making shit up?

Please tell me your joking. If not. Please KYS before your infection spreads

Ok Yuri.

Citation needed

That's probably what cnn is pushing now lel

Sixty shots fired and only five hits? Those are rookie numbers! You need to pump up these numbers!

Putin hates her. That makes her a patriot unlike Trump.

James is a legend!

Prove me wrong, Nancy.

>stone age

Nigger please.

b-but Trump didn't really win the election.

Yeah, I sure am afraid of Sup Forums

So many "Grown" men afraid of Hillary. Hahahaha

Who would have guessed that a lunatic, progressive, socialist, sore loser would get violent?

his home address:

5941 Rolling Hills Ln, Belleville, IL 62223


wait.....they didnt even kill anybody? Just one old retiree who shot some guy in the ass? LOL. This is what you want to be your Civil War start?

>Brought this on themselves
LOL. Are you actually trying to sound fucking threatening?

Here's how this works. Your side is a bunch of Linkin Park jamming Demi queers that need a fucking phone app to keep track of which gender they are.

My side is hard working people, NRA membership, gun enthusiasts, rednecks with shine and sawed-offs, and a bunch of really fucking annoying neo Nazis with Louisville sluggers.

You honestly fucking believe this won't end in complete, thorough Carnage and evisceration? What shitty fucking legal weed are you smoking?

Justice for ass

Lmao get fucked liberals.

0 evidence of russia "hacking election"
0 kills
0 bitches

Come on now. One congressman killed won't start a war, just like one congressman killed didn't start the civil war.

Explain how.

It took several rounds of updates this morning before CNN reported that the attack was on GOP legislators. If this had been a right wing nut with a gun shooting up Democrats, that would have been in the first headline, not 6 hours later.

She cant hate the russians that much. She made some cash selling uranium to them.

as i have always suspecteed, the Right was always going to be too cowardly to start a real war in this country

Who is Franz Ferdinand?

Is this the spittle CNN is putting into their blue pills now?

We're Russia's enemy. Putin hacked the election to stop her from getting elected and actively tried to get Trump elected.

Two days tops user and that shit is over lel

He's the singer for darkthrone pleb


Perhaps I feel that its impossible in this day and age to legally accomplish the improvement of things? Too much corruption, sheep herding, and debauchery to get people to wake up. It feels like we're repeating the fall of the Roman Empire, but on a more global scale because the first world is spread further out. Everything is so hedonistic, people soak themselves in their pleasures and just "let others do the ruling" which leads to this. Then, when you them the horrors the world they just self-medicate even more.

Man, I really do feel civilization needs a restart.

Ok Sergey.

See: leaked NSA memo



How long do rascal scooter batteries last?

Guys, look. I'm convinced that Russia did have it's thumb on the scale for Trump. You know what else?

>It's a good thing!

Otherwise all the dead poeple that vote Democrat in every election would have given us Madam President, and she would have finished burning the place down.

Seems like the go to insult for puss licks who can't find anything else to say. At the end of the day he's right, there's far more people who are disgusted with the lefts way of life and would gladly join a local militia to stomp those pieces of shit out of existence. Everyday their little movements push away more supporters. They are shooting themselves in the foot and thinking they're doing it in the name of social protest.

>comparing some rando congressman to Franz Ferdinand
holy shit


Well in that length of time its expected humanity to die off, evolve further, or convert ourselves into another form to survive such a calamity that's to happen in like, 1,000 billion years.

I found the snowflake Antifa ugly fat dyke!


>The DNC was exposed by insiders

Long enough to take out a group of beta numales jacked up on female hormones

If you believe this is truly what's going on you are God damn retarded.

Isn't it more patriotic to want to improve US wealth and standing, rather than continue old grudges?

Maybe in liberal land this happened but if you look around and stay current with the news and get out of your parents basement once and awile you may realize that this was just debunked at the comey testimony

>hurr durr a nuclear winger is the best thing for mankind. Sure, I won't survive but trust me.

Fuck off you sound like a 14 year old who just learned about Hiroshima and Panic! At The Disco.

The Russians are doing everything they can to take us down, on multiple fronts. They are actively trying to weaken our influence in the world.

You probably get scammed by grifters all the time...

Yeah I think you got it backwards buddy.

High quality bait

Shit,them old bastards rekt this faggot

>Too much corruption, sheep herding, and debauchery to get people to wake up
You can actively affect this, though. Read more books, promote other people's learning. Take part in protests, call your local congressman, engage in level-headed discourse.
It's not very glamorous, but I promise you that it does a whole lot more good than what most people do: bitch & moan.

>It feels like we're repeating the fall of the Roman Empire
I'm ready for this meme to end. The Roman empire didn't fall. It gradually phased out and dissolved without much of anyone noticing. Rome wasn't built in a day, it didn't fall overnight.

>Everything is so hedonistic, people soak themselves in their pleasures and just "let others do the ruling" which leads to this. Then, when you them the horrors the world they just self-medicate even more.
This is pretty typical leftist thinking--- which is fine. But while you probably can't save the world, it doesn't mean that you can't save yourself and help others around you. Learn some political philosophy, and try to live better than most people. At the end of the day that's really all you can do.

Either way, civilization crumbling a) won't happen, and b) can't solve much.

Today I learned there's a "deep America" and it scares me.

amerifats fucks can barely walk let alone war

Why then was the Communist flag being flown by many at the Democrat National Convention? The communists always seem to be supporting democrat causes and democrat rallies.

Gee I wonder why that is.....

And of that 5 percent, 95 percent die off from an enumerable amount of things we don't even have to think about because of the way society has progressed. On the other hand yes earth would be better with out humans.

fuck off back to Sup Forums

Take that tin foI hat off goy

Well, for one,
Russia != communists



user stop ruining the surprise


some old scottish band i think. i used to have one of their singles stuck in my head when i was at college back in the day

Not really mate. I believe civilization follows the 8 steps to the rise and fall of civilization. If I remember correctly the cycle can return to the abundance state around the 5th or 6th stage. However I feel we've passed the 6th stage and have reached the stage of dependence. Where people lose the will to contribute and expect society to take care of their needs while self-medicating through debauchery.

What's a "communist flag"?

>there's far more people who are disgusted with the lefts way of life and would gladly join a local militia to stomp those pieces of shit out of existence

If they could lift their fat burger asses out of their scooters.

drug enforcement laws are undeniably corrupt which most republicans support

Did I say to roll over and let them have at it? No. You strengthen your defenses, correct, repair, enforce, or implement new polices and trade deals and surge on. Thus, bringing more wealth and standing.

>need a phone app to tell which gender they are

Do you have any numbers to actually support this? Or are you just assuming based on your Sup Forums browsing?

The majority of younger people identify left

I don't get a sense this has changed at all. I expect it'll get worse for the conservatives as Trump's presidency continues. The conservative revolution is a pipe dream.


they dont have to lift their asses to shot yours