I've given up. I can't gain weight...

I've given up. I can't gain weight. I've been a 115 skelly all throughout my years in high school and I'm starting to weigh less no matter how much food I try to eat in order to weigh more. It's impossible for me to improve and I'm stuck as a twig left to be pushed around. Fatty's think they have it hard. Yeah right, I'm done.

>100 calories per tablespoon

how old are you?
have you tried cannabis, it makes u hungry.

Quit fucking being a whiny pussy
I'm 5'5 and 115 at 26 years old.
If I had been a confrontationally avoidant charismatic lacking victim bitch that would've deterred me.
However it hasn't.
If i can have 2 girls fuck me anyone can. Have some fucking self confidence.

>40 calories per teaspoon

19. What's cannabis
Same height as you.
How long does it take for me to even get any heavier? How much calories should I even take in a day?

>150 calories per cup

Let me tell you what I tell all the fatties at the gym: you are not magic.

You are losing weight because you are eating less calories than your body needs. You are also not a magical unicorn that burns up 5000 calories a day. Start entering the food you eat into myfitnesspal, weigh it (DON'T GUESTIMATE), and see how much you are really eating. If all else fails just drink olive oil/peanutbutter shakes 5 times a day. Want a bulk diet?

Breakfast (shake)
100 grams of oatmeal
250 milliliters of whole milk
20 milliliters of olive oil
1 avocado
100 grams of red fruit
20 milliliters of honey
2 tablespoons of cinnamon

200 grams of smoked salmon
4 wholewheat wraps
mayonaise/honey/mustard sauce

200 grams of steak (marinate in oil and sweet soy sauce)
200 grams of broccoli/cauliflower (cooked)
200 grams of rice
stirfry in more oil

Literally anything fat with carbs to keep that hungry feeling going. Eating fat and carbs simultaneously really stimulates the need for more food. Go for cheesy products, or grill a sandwich and put butter and peanutbutter on it (yes, on top of each other.

It's that easy OP.

I was in the same boat. Only thing I could do to fix it, was a lot of strenuous activity. For me, it was trial and error but in the end, martial arts and manual labor. The more fuel I burned the more fuel I needed.....went from 5'7 119-121 to 138-140 in a couple months.
I not only gained weight but a lot of confidence. I feel a lot fuckin better and I'm rarely tired during the day.
It's worth a damn shot, better than being a puss and just giving up. I regret my 'being a puss' days.

To continue on this: I've given you a baseline of food here, where you can just eat a shitload of snacks to go over your daily caloric needs. It doesn't even have to be balanced. You're good on protein, fiber, and vitamins, so just use the rest to eat shitty calorie rich foods.

3500 extra calories = 1 pound
Eat 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter after every meal and you will notice a difference in less than a month

>what's cannabis
it's weed, marijuana, mary jane

if you're really really desperate go to a psych and try to get diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar, the antipsychotics will really make you put on weight

Add another spoon of butter so it goes down your throat easier to add another 100 calories.

You'd rather be obese op? I'm obese and I'd much rather be skinny

what's the problem? im 6'1, 125-130 pounds. hasnt affected me in life one bit whatsoever, except this one time a chick at a bar told me if i had muscles she would have banged me.

being constantly criticized for being a twig like it is a health issue I'm having and showing off how much lesser of a person I am. I want to get stronger mainly for my own personal reasons but that other stuff just makes me upset.

The only sensible advice. OP start educating yourself of proper diet right fucking now! You live in the age of google, you have no fucking excuse.

people make fun of my stature all the time. i laugh with them because im not insecure at all, and usually the jokes are good.
The health issue is a real concern though, being skinny sometimes fools people into thinking they are healthy, but they are not mutually inclusive by any means. That being said, i know my health is good with slightly lower blood pressure than normal, most likely due to my lankyness.
Stronger i get, but ive never felt physically restricted before, for as skinny as i am i am fairly athletic, sure i cant bench 225 but again, never felt restricted.
lesser of a person? you gotta deal with your insecurities first, i highly doubt they are coming strictly from your stature.

Go to They'll sort you out better than Jordan Petersen.

yeah they are. I didn't think so first and I took them as jokes but things were a little more than just jokes I've realized. To them it's still joking around when it comes to making me seem lesser than them. But if I say how I feel like I'l just seem like an idiot. I just gotta deal with it.

well then change your friends if you genuinely think they are making fun of you, making themselves feel better by belittling you. In fact, avoid those kinds of people in general, they are toxic as fuck.
or just grow a pair and reprimand them when they pass a line. i will never understand why people put up with shit, hell just 2 weeks ago i had to yell the shit out of my friend of 18 years because he thought it was cute to just show up unannounced to my place to hang out and wouldnt leave, friends cross boundaries too and need to be reminded of it.
