Poland: Shithole or nation of pride?

Let's discuss why Poland are so flip-floppy about their positions and backstabby, joining sides whenever it suits them like - you know - jews.






contain your butthurt, ahmed



>follows into every thread

Kill yourself, Pollackensau.

In Deutschland mag dich kein Schwein. Auf selber Stufe mit Dreckstürken.

>In Deutschland mag dich kein Schwein. Auf >selber Stufe mit Dreckstürken.

Sorry, I don't speak Turkish.

chill out, ahmed

Seems to me like Germany has bigger things to worry about than Poles in Germany.

Like, oh I don't know, the Islamic Caliphate that's coming into existence?

We have Poles here who do dumb shit, but most of them are hard workers and I'd take a 1000 Poles any day over a dirty pigshit muslim.


>poland only non cucked european country
>anti poland threads growing in number

now who could be behind this?

I thought black people avoided Poland?

Why is it a question of either or? Imo Poles are only marginally better than muddies and should no be allowed. Never trust the eternal Slav.

you entire nation will be purged

>Posts the same couple photos in every thread and whines that Poland is bad n shiet
>Somehow we are the butthurt ones

Fuck off Ahmed

Because we survive, byaaaaatch

Can't fall when you're Pole


Don't fall for obvious baiting.
While we might have invaded you for no reason, we still love you.

We are subhumans, orcs and you are elves. Kick us from your Rivendell, please. Ve do not belong there.

Ve steal kars, bikes, we lazy, ve steal in general. Ve morons.

You strong, beautiful, multicultural. Hau ken ve even compete?


Thanks in advance.

shithole of pride