Be me

>Be me
>College student
>Dating a high school freshman (Well I guess she's a sophomore now but still)
>My whole family supports it because they know I'll probably never get another girl to like me

What is my life?

Your life is a joke and a ticking time bomb. The moment you fuck up and piss off the parents, they'll charge you with statutory rape and your life will be ruined.



They like me too though, I have dinner with them at least twice a month

Kek. Thanks. Better look up the age of consent laws for your state/country/continent.

Until you fuck up. Or do something they dont like. Like i said. Look up the age of consent laws for where you live.

how far into college? If you're like mid-20's grad student, it's a little weird, but freshman/sophomore sounds fine.

I suggest you be careful. Very careful.

sounds fucking great. well done user.

fucker i live in japan only 12 here , u go and keep pounding yr mother FuCKiNg faggot

love your family op

As in you love them or I should show them love them more?

What's your name, son? Easy to tell if you have a chance from that.

Hey man, I'm not trynna end up reported to the fbi here

Ah, of course.

like: If your name sounds white and you live in the south you're good?

Well, there are faggot names like Skyler, there are chad names such as... Say... Chad, and there are neet names like Kylo Ren. Also, never trust Trevors.

Well I've already been dating her for about a year so would my name still be a real factor now?

It would affect your chance in the future if you jad to jump ship.

Well, the name doesn't mean much in itself. It's more that the parents choose a name they like, and that name will reflect one of the best characteristics of the parents. Because genetics, that trait in the parent is often shown in the kid and you see tons of kids that fit their names.

Now I'm miles off subject, I just wanted to say that. I will reflect and give a real answer

I guess just be careful, and don't piss off the father of a younger girl, you WILL get shot

we need pics OP

Of what?

of her


Keep for ... It wont seem strange to anyone in a few years

Keep her for a long time*

Pretty fucking sweet by the sounds of it.

Bullshit, she's too cute

Normally she wears glasses

I'm not from the us. What are the ages involved here?

i think youll be fine as long as shes cool ur parents are cool and her parents are cool i think youll be right as rain

As of now 19 & 16

Oh then yes except if you do something incredibly stupid you arw fine, they would have said something by now if it was problematic. As long as it's normal relationship and you make her happy why would they oppose it.
It's not like you were 10 years older

Thread just got boring and shitty.
I'm 26 and dating my gf just turned 18 an you are making a big deal out of 3 years... It's fucking normal, don't even bother I mean back in the days your gf was always an underclassmen by 1 or 2 years anyway.