Why are black people so much more genetically advanced when compared to other races?

Why are black people so much more genetically advanced when compared to other races?

Should they be considered a different species?

because they were bred to athletes for 400 years

>can't wipe own arsehole

>genetically advanced
That's an odd way to say "sometimes physically stronger, but overall far less evolved in every manner conceivable"

The picture doesn't show his IQ.

>why did white people selectively breed only the most athletic niggers
>niggers didn't get brains during this selection process so they unironically think they did this themselves

Dude's heart will give out very early

You have to be fairly intelligent to be an NFL player, Hans.

civilization has cost you your strength, advancement has defeated you!

How can white guys even compete?

>55 reps

55 reps of what

an NFL quarterback*

Who are mostly white.


It's shopped. All of it.

Surprised I've never once seen anyone ask this in any of these threads. Lmao. Speaks volumes.

Cockroaches can move objects up to 20 times their body weight, we truly can't compete with you.

In the NFL it's 225 lbs. They measure bench strength by how many reps you get with 225.

With 1 set?

Bullshit. Next you gonna tell me that giganigga isn't real.

This is what southern white trash actually believe.
We know you're mostly into football for the bbc.

White people did not "selectively breed" black people. Slavery ended after the American Civil War. Let's say any such hypothetical program ended in 1865.

Charles Darwin developed his theory of Evolution, published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)"

The popular concept of Eugenics did not develop till the 20th century.

Without knowledge of speciation and improvement by controlled breeding, one could not have come up with such a program. In order to begin such a program, deliberate crossing of selected stronger traits would have had to begun many years (i.e. more than 6) before the end of slavery.

Therefore, the idea that intentionally breeding superior athletes during antebellum times is an anachronism.

(snarky answer: the South doesn't believe in evolution, remember?)


This whole thing is shopped bait.

They didn't need to select, really. Cotton picking is so hard that any nigs that did live long enough to have kids would be the hardest fuckers on the block.

Though really, Africa did most of the work.

bigger is not genetically advanced.

Dinosaurs were bigger and dumber than humans.

Man's genetic advancement is measured by his technological aptitude and problem solving skills... intelligence.

The human world runs on intelligence.

Because OP has a very small, nonfunctioning penis and has trouble acknowledging this. Just come to terms with being a faggot bottom and stop being so preoccupied with large black dicks.

Hey dumbfuck southern trash...

Humans have been selectively breeding animals for over 100k years, you uneducated, inbred moron.

This makes sense, it's natural selection.

How is wrong? This makes perfect sense.

They arent.

The blacks on New World just happened to have better muscles because the slave owners do not wanted skinny slaves to work, so most blacks are descendents of the strong slaves of the past

People didn't know about animal husbandry and that family members had similar traits?

No, you dont

Why are americucks not rangebanned?

What a stupid post. The slaves that were strong, worked hard and were obedient had higher value (like a horse) and were allowed to breed the most.

This is exactly the same way reason we have dogs, and different breeds of dogs, although they come from wolves. There were traits we liked and we bred those.



they dont seem to get so much oft the neurological and degenerative diseases europeans do, still no reason to like them

they were literally bred for athletic performance by slave owners.

my people say "kdor nima v glavi ima v nogah", literally who doesn't have a mental capacity has to use their body strength

Physically you can thank slavery. Mentally you must admit the Bell Curve stands in correctness.

My Smith 500 would stop that nigger dead in his tracks, brains > brawn.

Football is probably the most boring sport. The constant time-outs, the fact that they spend 2 minutes planning a play that takes 10 seconds long. The constant car commercials. I'll pass, football is fucking trash.

Funny, we say Koj nema vo glavata ima vo nozete(Кoј нeмa вo глaвaтa имa вo нoзeтe), which sounds pretty similar

switch to soccer then and enjoy the most popular sport in the world

>You need to be strong to pick cotton?

Steroids, simple as that. Love this dream that some people have that not everyone in the NFL isn't on gear. Without he'd be just another lanky faggot.

No, thankfully he's real.

b but white peoples can't d dance.

American sports are the only bit of culture they have. Being soccer fans means defeat by eurofags to some of them.

I can uderstand/decode everything in macedonian but can't produce/encode shit

all Slavs are cousins, after all

I prefer hockey m8, more fast paced, and more physical than soccer.

Sam colt made everyone equal long ago. A cunt-eyed 5'1 chukcha from siberia with an iron-sights semi-automatic can shoot a hundred people in an open field. West's problem is you're softer than 2 year olds.


not shopped but he probably takes roids

I don't have any problem with this answer, I think there's some truth to the fact that it happened organically but the white landowners weren't purposely orchestrating it.

First, most African Americans are no longer pure African but, like Tiger Woods, they have some white or Native American ancestors. Since his mother is Thai, Tiger is actually more Asian than he is anything else.

Second, in the absence of DNA testing, there was no way to know for sure who fathered a slave baby. The mother might have been impregnated by her owner, a visiting house guest, the overseer, or another slave. Rape was an ever-present fact of life for slave women.

Third, the myth of slaves' physical superiority is belied by two facts: that half of all slaves died before their first birthdays; and in the Caribbean, slaves died off so fast (usually within five or fewer years after their arrival) that only importation of fresh Africans kept their numbers up.

Fourth, while plantation owners lived like aristocrats, their wealth was tied up in land and slaves. The death of "Massa" often meant that slaves had to be sold to pay taxes, bequests, and debts. The breakup of a slave family--father, mother, and children sold to different owners, never to see each other again--made any kind of genetic research impossible.

Also, let's think about the time scales involved in evolution. Slavery in the Americas lasted about 250 years. This is a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of evolutionary history, and so mere genetics as an explanation for racial differences in athleticism is pretty dubious, at best.

What use does excessive physical strength have in modern society?

Weaponry makes hand to hand combat 99% obsolete.

You may as well have shit colored skin to keen out the sun or something.

You've been posting the same picture twice per month faggot, it won't work anymore.

To beat up white boiz n then fuck their women.


Because they have been domesticated into following orders well.

Run FASTER is a never ending command
Jump HIGHER is a never ending command
Do MORE is a never ending command

Guess who is stupid enough to keep following orders?

310 is too heavy for anything but a lineback.. keeping that kinda of mass at 6'11 is impossible.

they also have pic related to set themselves apart from the rest of us

hockey's cool, used to be very popular here but devolved into just two local teams worth anything