Otto Warmbier has been declared brain dead, it won't be long before he is announced dead. Otto, if he exists at all, is an actor as are his parents. The USA is itching for armed conflict with the DPRK as they dare challenge nuclear supremacy of the USA.

This is a false flag.

> USS Cole
> Pearl Harbor
> World Trade Center
> The Pentagon
> Operation Northwoods
> Every school shooting with the exception of Columbine
> Bay of Pigs
> Gulf of Tonkin
> The Lusitania

Do not be fooled again. "Otto" will "die" soon due to being "beaten" by "North Korean officials". Political action against the DPRK will take place, what those actions will be we won't know until it happens but it will likely involve armed combat. Resist the mainstream theory, see past their lies!


dude, take your fucking meds, have a good fap, and go to fucking sleep.


Otto wanted to experience a true roman guard style ass whipping and torture so he could be closer to Jesus. He knew what could happen when he crossed the border. Feel sad for him and his family but don't act suprised.

Would be funnier if it says no signs of lupus

This one is a first for me.
I live up the street from where Otto grew up in Wyoming Ohio.

Can confirm he is... or was real at one point.

>I went to highschool with that girl

lol, stay asleep dude.

troll/liar/shill. Pick one.

you stupid commie fuck everybody knows Wyoming is a state and its nowhere near the city of Ohio. I hope you die in a fire gook.

Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

How do we know you are not fake news!?


not everything but this is

>everything I say is correct, everything establishment says is false
>because I say so
>if you disagree you're a shill
>evidence is for faggots, vague correlations god-tier

>I'm going to hurl a bunch of crazy bullshit at you, maybe some of it will stick, I dunno lol

S-shut up CNN! You liberal... c-CUCK... BBC... J-JEWS.... FUCK YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP GET OUT

it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

That's a lot of buzzwords there, little feller. You okay?

shit dude another wyomfag, what side of the pike do you live on

Doctors said his loss of brain tissue was caused by cardiac arrest and there are no signs of physical damage to his body.

>implying the USA is going to go to war over some loser who went to a country that kidnaps americans on the regular against US guidance

This type of shit wastes everybody's time and is hurtful to the people involved. Please stop.

>if he exists at all,
what the fuck are you implying?
i don't live in a basement. i have a job. i even went to college.
i'm a weird guy i guess but even i thought about "hey, why not visit north korea just for the lulz?"
i looked it up and it's really too expensive. look it up yourself. you have to pay quite a bit to go there.
i mean, i'd love to go there, but i can't pay the flight. i'm a nurse, don't have the cash for fun stuff like this.
i even thought about going to the north pole with a russian icebreaker but again, it's really expensive. but i looked it up and it's actually possible to do just that. it's just not affordable for me. but i fucking could.
just look it up yourself.

you can visit north korea.
it's not like going to mars. just fucking get out of your house. if you're a flat earth faggot, travel around the world. fly in a plane once, talk to pilots about this topic.
if you believe politicians are lizards go to washington D.C. and go to a bar and talk to the politicians and just tell them you're a rich lobbyist and all of a sudden they'll listen to you. turns out they're not lizards, they're just greedy cunts and don't want to dominate the whole world. they'd sell the USA to the dubai arabs if they gave them enough. that's it.

you know, sometimes things are really just explainable. just find shit out yourself.

Nice try, bureau 121. Prepare to have your anus raped and your glorious leader become our glory hole.

But we should be nuking the DPRK anyway

They are china's dirty laundry guy fuck em

It doesn't matter if the guy is real or not. The OP is probably right, there will be an escalation due to this shit.
But yeah, conspiracy isn't real because no two people have ever got together to plan a crime before.

not at all what's being implied.

It's being blatantly stated the usa is going to go over war and use this as an excuse to convince the public they're doing it for good reasons like defending their citizens.

tell that to the government who keeps killing us like cattle to suit their own interests.


no one's going to fucking believe me but a guy i work with, his girlfriend is a doctor in Otto's wing.

he's confirmed a real person. don't be a fucking retard.

Oh look it's kind of like sandy hook or 9/11, suddenly EVERYONE is somehow directly related.

Shut up dumbass.