Let's rate our girlfriend's buttholes, I'll go first

Let's rate our girlfriend's buttholes, I'll go first


I wish I could see a girl's butthole irl :(

not bad, kind of hairy, 6/10

bend over and look in the mirror

I'll play fag

Waiting for her princess plug to ship and her anus will never be the same

does this count?

what are those small white things...

Bits of blanket
>Old blanket that was falling apart
>Sweaty bodies = glue for blanket piece
We threw it away after that session

kind of shy and obscured 5/10

Wwyd to my gf


best so far, 9/10

gra/ndxxxa/uto.com enjoy


come on, man



hahahaha yeah man, that's kind of disturbing

Burn the coal, pay the toll

I'll work on that

idk what that means..

If post-op, 4/10.
if born a woman and still that hairy, 0.0/10