Easter General

Happy Easter!
Let's talk about Easter.Share your traditions, dishes and plans for Easter.

What's Eastern

We dont celebrate that here

The most important time for Christians. Rest you will find in the New Testament.


not a holiday I'm aware of

A Jew who died for mankind?

I can't find Kinder eggs in any of the stores wtf

Eggcellent thread

Sorry but Christianity belongs in the Middle-East and the entire story sounds like BS. Growing up with it, sure, it's the only story you ever got.

A joyous celebration with the community?

I'm from France.
We go to Church, hide chocolate eggs in the garden for the kids and eat roasted lamb leg with baked beans like pic related


I don't celebrate easter because I'm a muslim.
BUT, why americans do not celebrate easter?

forgot my obligatory toad image

I made some Pysanky this year. Still have a few more for friends and relatives to create.

What do Polish Pysanka look like? I heard you guys paint eggs instead.

I boughr a basket today so I can go to church and get my food blessed tommorow. I also bought tulips and I'll be going to my parents house and my gf house on sunday. That I will come home, get drunk, hit the walls with my fists in anger and try to cry (I have't cried in 14 years, so it never works).


Why cry? Sounds like a good weekend with family.

Because I'm miserable inside and happy/confident on the outside.

That must be fun.

what in the fuck is easter?

That's pretty common I think. Well, maybe not the confident bit.

Still, try to enjoy this weekend at least.

Very, it's like being a living corpse that roleplays a living, breathing human.

I'll do my best, thank you canadiananon.

The relinquishment of sin?

Hope it helped. Happy Easter, buddy.


I ate some kinder eggs today, I bought them thinking I would give some to my sisters kid, but I ate them all myself instead. The toys were stupid too so I threw them away.
Where the fuck are all the little racing cars? I don't want those stupid little animals.

you fucking monster. here, take one more