Why do americans hate abortions so much?

Why do americans hate abortions so much?

INB4 murder, if all americans who were against abortion literally thought that hundreds of thousands of human babies were murdered every year, they would have used their assault weapons and stopped it a long time ago

I know that most of the girls i'm close to have had at least one abortion. The literal 10/10 grill in pic related did also have one after she accidentally became pregnant when she was 14


I love that shitskinz make up 60% of all abortions. Self ethnic cleansing is a beautiful thing

Because abortion quite literally is murder.

There is no philosophical or logically consistent way getting around the fact that abortion is murder, and is therefore wrong.

You are taking the life of an innocent human being. Scandinavians and Europeans like to pretend that abortion is not a difficult or philosophically complicated issue -- it is. It is probably one of the most difficult issues ever in terms of morality, law, philosophy, human rights and so on.

I consider myself a white nationalist and want ethnically homogeneous nation states with only white people in them, but I still can't support abortion on a purely moral/philosophical level. People like to say that "HURR DURR, LOTS OF SHITSKINS DIE FROM ABORTION, THERE IT'S GOOD".

First of all, whites are the most heavily impacted by abortion, because our birth rates are plummeting, Second: it's always wrong to murder babies. Third of all: non-whites shouldn't even live in white society to begin with, so you're approaching the problem from the wrong angle here.

But keep being a stupid fucking imbecile shrieking about MUH CLUMP OF CELLS.

Except they're not actually cleansing themselves. They all have birth rates above the replacement level, regardless of abortion. Whites would be above the replacement level too if abortion was illegal and marriage reinstituted as a powerful force in society.


I dont really care to be honest, but I still find it problematic that it has become common to have had an abortion. People do it because it interferes with their plan to get an education, and want children when they are more stable. I would rather see our population sink to 4 million than have 10 million people living in Norway, where most are dumb because they lack education.

Like shitty south american countries that pump out babies, look like troglodytes and carve of their countrymens faces because of drugs. I want a smart population, not a dumb populous one.

>murder is wrong

I love this meme

I wonder who made this?

I know it's a shitpost, but anyway....

Murder is by definition wrong. 'Murder' as a legal concept is the idea of a 'wrongful killing'.

You might say that killing isn't always wrong, because it isn't. But 'murder' in a legal sense is always wrong, and also in a moral sense, which is the basis for the law.

This pic just made me want crawfish.
You know there's no one around me open right now that sells crawfish.
Fuck you user.

jesus christ.

I guess stepping on an ant is wrong too?

By definition, murder is the unjustified killing of another person, so yes it's wrong.

but in this case, you're killing cells, not a person

>goblin face
>10/10 grill

opinion discarded

like it wouldn't have been better if pic related would have aborted her child


it's pretty obviously murder

You have to be a complete fucktard to not allow woman to have abortion. It's their body they can do whatever they want it them. Period. And I ain't even meme'ing here. I truly mean it.
This is such an american puritanish shit thing to be against abortion.


personally i think woman should be able to get an abortion if she did not give consent to having sex (like rape), furhtermore i also think retards should be aborted, or euthanised once they are born,

if a woman has consentual sex and is pregnant with a healthy baby i think she should not be allowed to abort since we are already having far too low childbirth in white Europe

Niggers, spics, mudslims and other scum should be allowed, hell if not enforced to abort their children, since they reproduce like the vermin they are

Does the child get a say in it? Does the father? It's murder. The fetus has done nothing to deserve murder but have their mother make bad life decisions.

Sane people support mandatory abortion of all shitskins. Abortion of healthy white babies should severely punished.

does this look like a goblin face to you?

Are you blind kid?

Liberals on suicide watch


Allowing her to kill that kid allows her the opportunity to get her shit together and have a kid later under better circumstances which will better enable that child to succeed in life.

Sacrifice one to give another (or others) a better shot.

Abortion is the only thing keeping your nigger population exploding. Be thankful for that.

people like you are sick, because you're not asking for a white abortion ban. white abortions is what keeps the birthrates below the reproduction level.

if you're intent on keep niggers and spics at bay, at the very least ask for a white ban on abortion you sick fuck. it's like you just enjoy murdering babies out of sick pleasure or something.

We do not hate abortion there a shit ton of Americans that are for it. Abortion is a necessity in this country where you have retarded 30 year old white Americans that think they need to be a millionaire to support 1 child meanwhile you have shaniqa popping out her 8th jamal for 200 government bucks a month. If we didn't have abortion this country would be ultimately overrun by niggers and to lesser extent spics and the government knows that.

>people honestly think this disgusting plastic blogger looks good