Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I understand your sentiment, but the way they go about it and the way Christians go about it are vastly different. How many headlines do you see that say "Christian Refugees Rampaging Through Middle East, Rape and Assault Rates Skyrocket"

>b-b-b-but muh crusades!


Pascals Gambit.

Claiming you can be moral without being religious, is like claiming you can pass a test without studying because you'll just copy the answers from the guy sitting next to you.

Non-religious people are incapable of actual moral thought, only shallow mimicry.

Citation needed my fallacy-prone friend.

so muslims will actually start following those virtues soon... right?


Don't even need to bring the rest in. The first makes the strawman clear.

Yeah, not killing because Moses said God told him it's a good idea is very deep.

Who is Kant, Plato, Descartes, Rosseau, and other great thinkers and their writings compared to "Thou shalt not steal."

>Hahahaha you stupid idiot Christian didn't you know that the crusades were evil acts of aggression to oppress the religion of peace that was raped and oppressed by an oppresive group of bigots

>a better person
>raping, stealing, lazy, backwards, ignorant person

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Islam is a piece of shitty shit.

Refugees are refugees. Arabs are arabs. They watch porn, and then they see an 'object' that looks exactly like what they fapped to, walking alone, powerless.. Zina (having sex not with your only wife) is very very sinful in islam, so i believe all those rapists aren't religious. Like niggers, they're just apes.

Quran (8:67) - "It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land..."

Seriously, anyone muslim that takes this Islam seriously is mentally retarded.

Humans learned morality even before the era of religion, through trial and error.

Islam and National Socialism have a lot in common, wouldn't expect a beady Anglo to understand

[8:57] If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember.

Hitler literally loved Islam


The word "i" here refers to Allah, which means He will burn sinners in hell, after they die. Which is what all religions are all about

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!"

A ban on muslims is just basic common sense.

not at all

Hitler has the same economics as Bernie Sanders.

Name me one abrahamic religion where the God doesn't threaten with torture

>he's just copy pasting shit from religionofpeace
Kek, actually study it you nigger

>humility and morality
Choose one

>all socialism is the same
I wonder who is behind this post

Sanders is probably still the best candidate, just because his supporters are shit doesn't make him shit

Yeah it really makes me think why mudslimes are allowed to live.

"There will be only one victor in this war either capitol or labour"

And then you wonder why the masses are told to hate hitler, these ideas of making people work for something would destroy the elitist way of life.

The sentence using "I," sure. Which is followed by a command to behead disbelievers.

I actually almost left islam after reading verses that these haters redpilled me on. Until i really read the quran, the whole chapter which those verse are on.

What if i actually have both ?

you forgot

>raping little girls
>""""honor""""" killings
>throwing acid
>suicide bombing
>violent murder

Allahu akbar my friend ;^)

The trouble is, Islam has a shitload higher nigger ape/human ratio than Christianity. Hell, there's a reason dindus prefer Islam to Christianity in the US.

what if muhamed made it all up so you'd be a better slave?

Humility onto Allah, morality to your people

[2:113] Nay, whoever submits himself completely to Allah, and is the doer of good, shall have his reward with his Lord. No fear shall come upon such, neither shall they grieve.

Not really, islam is garbage.

Only filthy, illiterate skitskins would follow islam.

Islam is so people have an excuse to rape goats and women. Kill when something is not muslim.

1. There's no behead, it's another translation problem
2. I was like you until i read the whole chapter to understand the context
The quran is not a manual book. it should not be taken literally. But you'll always despise me anyway so i'll end right here

So basically believe in Allah blindly and be a fearless remorseless killing machine, gotcha. Allah ackbar Takbir mohammed

>mudslimes... Better person..
Don't make me laugh op.

Yes but again, it's not the religion's fault. Without islam, the arabs would be the same anyway. Christianity happened to grow in better civilization

The beheadings are mistranslation? Rofl tell that to isis

>kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
You're damn right it does. Here's what I think about it:

Only after you genocide every other ideology in existence, and then after you murder everyone that doesn't fit your exact interpretation of the quran and follow it to the letter
you mean bloodsport?
Never seen a muslim community give a fair trial to a criminal
literally allowed to lie to protect yourself
and no respect for others. Even if I know they're going to hell, I can smile, hug, and wish a good day to an athiest
>family values
the only family value promoted is loyalty until death
at basically gunpoint. if you don't pray, you die. (see: peace)
only when you can't shift the blame to a non-muslim
I don't know of much wisdom that can be found inside a goat's ass
giving free semen injections ain't too generous
everything you touch turns to a hell-hole

You want me to believe Islam is a religion of peace?
Find me videos of muslims helping christians escape from war-torn arab areas
Find me muslims that successfully help minority groups in islamic countries
Find me evidence that they will actively seek peace in a war against non-muslims
THEN i might start believing you

Use your above 100 IQ pls.

ISIS are unjust you nigger, they're not fighting any foreign enemy and will not be accepted into Jannah

Hamas probably yes

>le isis is true islam meme
How are you still not redpilled about isis ? About who's actually behind all these huge play

Sure thing, Schlomo

Yeah , muslim countries are known for their fabulous humility , they are countries of peace , justice and chastity (but with got or captured slaves it's complicated)

Muslim communities all arround the world are the best community that humanity has ever known

Isis are just as brutal and unforgiving as the saudis the only difference is the saudis prop up the petrodollar. In Saudi arabia you get punished for all kinds of trivial things.. But please go on how it is just isis


Islam cuts people heads off. No one else does.

Fuck islam. Are you mad that no one like your shit religion?

Found one more village boy that has never met a muslim before

It's not our fault you love to import poor stupid people, come to any Muslim community in the US, nothing will happen to you

that's a bold faced lie, fuck outta here.

fornication/adultery among muslims is indeed expressly forbidden, but muslims are allowed (encouraged even) to have sex with unbeliever women in times of jihad (read: right now). these women are seen as slaves and sex with them is permitted. see Quran 23:1-6: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame.”


I know many former muslims they are all atheists and some are very vocal against islam. I personally don't believe in atheism but I see how someone like them would want to cast off their chains after coming to the west and be atheist

>le isis aren't true islam meme

they certainly think so and are following the qu'ran to the letter, sounds like you aren't muslim enough :3

I'm not mad nor worried at all because i live harmoniously with anyone from other religion here, i don't have to worry about refugees or western hatred. I'm just telling my version of understanding, but if you don't agree with me, i don't see it as a problem. Islam is a religion, there's no order to cut heads off in the quran, and isis is not practicing the religion's mission.

>Le kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
>Le Sup Forums btfo
>Le woah...
>Le he's right you know
Im so sick of this reddit shit
is this the only way to get people to reply to your threads?
To used canned openings paired with poor quality bait?
Who do you think you're fooling
This whole thread is pointless

KKK thought they were true Christians too desu, are radical groups right? Especially when they kill their own people?

No one likes the kkk (except pol). Difference is Christian nations aren't all shitholes like is the case with Islamic nations. Also nations turn to shit when islam is introduced such as in Iran

I can't explain that verse yet, i don't even pray five times a day. But yes i agree with everyone, i feel disturbed reading it, i need more reading about it, the whole chapter, but i'm too lazy maybe later. But it doesn't make me move. I still believe in Allah. i might get roasted after this but whatever, i don't live in europe or america so i don't care about deaths and war outside of my country.

By the way,
>that flag

Well yeah maybe i'm not islam enough, but i don't care.

Pretty sure Jihad is the fifth pillar of Islam.

What are the other four ?

Religion is simply an ideology consisting of some life philosophy and old myths. All creations of humanity.

Human can create something new if it suits them.

Muslims choose war over food.

>naming a peaceful sandnigger religion
There's your first mistake

Not me. Not the hundreds of millions of people in my country

Why follow a horrible warlord's teaching hoping to stumble into the bits of truth he may have copied near the beginning of his religion creating, when you could just follow god's actual laws and his real prophets which all point to Jesus.

Because morals derived from a man-made book, used in a man-made religion are actually objective, right?

Not even christianity ? But you're american...

Nothing involving Islam makes me think.

If i have to leave islam because violence, choosing christianity would be a mistake.

These blokes got sent to paradise:



Islam is the greatest retardant against science ever invented.

and there """""""morality"""""""""" is based on iron age tribal society, SO it is NOT moral at all.

No need to meet them, they make the news constantly with headlines always containing one or several of these words :"Rape, kill, steal, hijack, explode, offended, ruin, kidnap".

I'm not Christian. I was raised methodist by a WASPy family that really only claimed to be Christian for cultural reasons. But if you're Christian, you're not allowed to eat pork, gator, catfish, or wear jewelry, or cloth of mixed fabrics, etc. Spiritually, I align more with Celtic Paganism and their deep respect for ancestry and honor. And it's more culturally aligned with our very Scottish roots of being from the Clan Fraser of Lovat.

Peлигия - этo нaбop pитyaлoв, кoтopыe мoгyт быть нaдeлeны cмыcлoм или пpocтo быть кapгo-дepьмoм.

Hacтoящee хpиcтиaнcтвo нaпpимep - этo пoклoнeниe любви и иcтинe. Eгo мoжнo нaпoлнить cтoяниeм в цepкви пo 6 чacoв, нo oнo вceгдa вepнётcя к любви и иcтинe. Кaкиe бы пpoпoвeди нe читaл пaтpиapх (a oн читaeт пpoпoвeди иcключитeльнo пpo "cилy", пpoнизaнныe мaтepиaлизмoм), любoгo мoжнo вepнyть к хpиcтиaнcким идeaлaм.

Maтepиaлизм - этo пoклoнeниe нayчнoмy coвeтy, cocтoящeмy из чинoвникoв. Oнo вceгдa бyдeт вepтeтьcя вoкpyг лизaния жoпы cтapoгo мyдaкa, кoтopый oдoбpяeт пyбликaции в нayчнoм жypнaлe, чepeз pитopичecкoe пpидaниe eмy cвoйcтв жpeцa вceвeдyщeгo yчeния.
Taк кaк бoльшaя чacть пacтвы дoвoльнo глyпa, вcё в итoгe cвoдитcя к тoмy чтo "нayкa вcё oткpылa и любoй пpoфeccop знaeт вcё нa cвeтe" и yльтpaмaнявpиpoвaнию пocpeдcтвoм мopaльнoгo peлятивизмa.

I don't speak 2nd world languages.


I'm a Christian, and I've gotta say, your statement is full-blown retarded.

>Peлигия - этo нaбop pитyaлoв, кoтopыe мoгyт быть нaдeлeны cмыcлoм или пpocтo быть кapгo-дepьмoм.
He coглaшycь. Pитyaл тyт coвepшeннo нe глaвнoe.
Глaвнoe тo, чтo этим pитyaлoм вызывaeтcя.
Cкaжeм, любoгo poдa мoлитвa, бyдь тo cтoяниe в цepкви или нaмaз - этo cкopee cпocoб caмoyбeждeния, нeжeли pитyaл.
Bepить мoжнo и yмoм, нo кaк дoкaзaть?
Boт мoлитвa твoя и дoкaзывaeт. Hy или caмoпoдpыв.

>Hacтoящee хpиcтиaнcтвo нaпpимep - этo пoклoнeниe любви и иcтинe.
Hacтoящee хpиcтиaнcтвo oтpицaeт нeoбхoдимocть влacти и cтaвит мopaль глaвным зaкoнoм - зaкoнoм бoжьим. Bcя этa их "Bcякaя влacть - oт бoгa." и пpoчиe cвящeнныe мoнapхии - чиcтoй вoды цeзapeпaпизм.

Дepьмo бeз дyши.
"Moжнo вepить и в oтcyтcтвиe вepы."

We can't read potato runes.

If these are the values of Islam, then as a Christian I am a better "Muslim" than 99% of Muslims.

How does being in a 1st world country makes you feel like you're better than everyone else ? It wasn't you that did the job

Good job, Jew
[5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

At least your Koran got one thing right.


This shit the media telling you isn't the whole deal.

It is your country's fault, I mean Orange Revolutions and the other crisises on the Middle East.

As for Islam - it is good religion. For mono religious society, not for fucking multi culti.

Even buddhist dont like muslims
>Forgetting the muslim conquest of Afghanistan, India and Central Asia

Yeah, Islam is a good religion for a homogeneous society. That's why the Middle East is still stuck in the 10th century.

Don't leave islam over violence, leave Islam for the truth. No trying to twist passages to make them mean something different, no "you have to be arab to understand", just the truth, love, and a consistent message delivered throughout generations of history and prophecies.

Oh please we all know militant atheists only attack christians.
That fedoraed faggot would be worshipping muhammed for a raping a little girl just like his japanese animes.

Truly disgusting desu, how does it feEl to have to kneel to kikes?

if your a christian then your full blown retarded.
religion is retarded and immature and only useful to simple folks that want a reward after working for 80 years in a factory. follow yourself not a "god"

>the Middle East is still stuck in the 10th century
Again you with your materialism.

I'll try to explane.
For them, I mean not noly an islamic countries, but all the countries with eastern way of thought, your science, progress, industry, goods, space programms and the other shit is NOT the matter.

According to this way of thought, the world we live in mean literally nothing and all we should do is just to live righteous life and die by God's will.

But for you all this is different. And I hope, now you understand more than before.

all socialism is fundamentally the same.

Religion is just copying the answers from the book

Do you actually think or just hum the tune?
Do you actually realise what your meme and statement are implying.
Orst me give you an example.
I feel mathematics are the key to understanding the universe.
Ok, have you read up on Pythagoras or Newton or any of the mathematicians who have studied it before. No fuck that, that's all bollocks, I can work it all out myself.